
SpacePay is Vorreiter at Krypto-Zahlungsinnovationen in Einzelhandel –

SpacePay is Vorreiter at Krypto-Zahlungsinnovationen in Einzelhandel –

SpacePay is Vorreiter at Krypto-Zahlungsinnovationen in Einzelhandel –

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Imagine that you can use the Kryptowährung Ihrer Wahl in such a way that the money is used – fast, safe and universally activated. This view is no longer futuristic speculation; Because it was the heart of the matter, the Fintech startup SpacePay was founded in London with Leben.

SpacePay brings with one platform, the comfortable return transactions with the exciting possibilities of Kryptowährungen-connectet, frischen Wind in de Zahlungsbranche. With the international international investors you invest in SpacePay Unternehmen and Verbrauchern überall a completely new Zahlungsmethod.

One of these cases has taken advantage of the long-term financing of the Kryptowährungen. If interest is aroused, consider the utility free of all underlying transactions. SpacePay can use these Lücke-schließen. It is a way to trade with a flat platform, which in itself mühelos integrated into a popular POS system set SpacePay to the default for Kryptozahlungen in Einzelhandel.

For your single handler, you need to make quicker transactions and ensure a quicker journey through your network more than 400 million Krypto-Nutzern. If Krypto-Gelder is likely to have problems using it, in Fiat-Gelder it might be a problem to go for a walk.

Remove barriers in transportation

SpacePay takes the power of the Kryptowährungen to a higher level than the utilized platform in the Hand of Verbrauchern and Handlern. With SpacePay, Kryptozahlungen were generated by a herkömmliche Kartenzahlungen. The results of the preparation of the construction work are in progress the platform for einfachheit ausgelegt. You can scan a QR code, make the best transactions and secure your tag.


is compatible with 325 digital money sources, with MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet, and öffnet Millionen Menschen die Türen zur Nutzung von Kryptowährungen, It is a complicated configuration or technical process that can be done in an instant.

Its efficiency and use are SpacePay’s state-of-the-art NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. Handler and Kunden can execute transactions abschließen with a single fingertipif you contact cards or mobile money shops.

SpacePay’s NFC integration ensures first-class security and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) protocol used for Schutz of transaction data. This technology provides security, compensation das Skimming-Risiko verringertAnd a transaction transaction in Echt, a function that rationalizes cash flow and involvement in the handling of cases.

Von der Gemeinschaft gets Entwicklung and Innovation

SpacePay is a way to community-oriented Ansatz and see active Feedback from Benutzern eina platform improvement and erweiterungspläne foranzutreiben.

SpacePay presale

Dare to die Use this on an active Benutzer basis secures SpacePay, it is worth going to bed and working there, but the goal has been achieved. This cooperative innovation offers craftsmanship and technology, which brings SpacePay together with the fast-paced world of digital finance.

This dynamic involvement occurs when the sign of projects, $SPY, is found in the previous phase. The SpacePay community has increased interest and chosen a token more than 467,000 US dollars were collected.

With a new energy payout of 0.002020 USD you will see Frühinvestoren $SPY as a zugängliche in a favorable location, if a project is implemented, which obtains the e-inzelhandelsverkehr. For those who are willing to invest in their future, they are always welcome Voorkaufspreis die Chance, Teil der Bewegung zu bewhere SpacePay is gaining Zugkraft and popularity.

SpacePay token

The entire Kryptogebrauch is free

Couples spend their time together, spend their time in their favorite chill-out bar, enjoy a drink and bezahlen with Kryptowährungen genauso problemlos wie with Bargeld. SpacePay can use all possible payment methods of Kryptowährungen.

SpacePay offers a new faith in money and money-saving transactions, all all tagsgegenstanden are in their luxury gütern of purchase, where Kryptowährungen geauso-reibungslos with Bargeld or Kredite that are used. If you scan a QR code or use a smartphone with NFC, SpacePay can connect Valseitiges, benutzerfreundliches Zahlungserlebnis, the potential of Kryptowährungen for the entire gebrauch erschließt.

For handling, the next integration of SpacePay into the best-handled cash system is a separate Vorteil. Unternehmen who perform Kryptowährungen operations, who make their money in the new hardware investments, were the platform that was as big as also for small external aspects, practical and economical power.

SpacePay is available from Krypto-Zahlungsinnovationen

First Schritte with SpacePay

Ready for the Zukunft des Bezahlens? The e-setup with SpacePay is simple:

  1. Go to a Krypto-Wallet : Wählen Sie a compatible wallet en siecher, dass es sicher eingerichtet ist, z. B. MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet.
  2. Finanzieren Sie Ihr wallet: If you want money in your wallet, you can buy some cryptocurrencies (from ETH, BNB, USDC or USDT) from a bank with Binance or Coinbase Wallet.
  3. Zahlung an der Kasse einleiten : Inform about the treatment of your research, with the Kryptowährung-bezahlen.
  4. Scan the QR code: Scan your wallet app with the handlers’ QR code.
  5. Zahlung bestätigen : When you place a bet, you can make the best trade. Your Zahlung will be as comfortable as possible and make a best choice in Echtzeit.

This vision was finally left behind by a grim community, wie der im laufenden Vorverkauf gesammelte Betrag says. SpacePay is here, one of the possible ways to work, is that it is one of the most common problems, your Kryptowährung is useless, or a Geschäftsinhaber, which can do a new kind of business.

Benefits of the SpacePay community options:

Zuletzt will be made official on November 10, 2024

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Kryptowährungen are a highly volatile, unregulated investment product. The capital is at risk.