
Balanceakt: Arbeit im Wandel – Luxembourg factory new Arbeitszeitmodelle

Balanceakt: Arbeit im Wandel – Luxembourg factory new Arbeitszeitmodelle

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Balance sheet actArbeit im Wandel – Luxembourg factory new Arbeitszeitmodelle

LUXEMBOURG – I have taken a big step towards flexible Arbeitszeiten – a reform that is on the broader agenda.

Thomas Holzer

Thomas Holzer

The idea of ​​an Arbeitszeitverkürzung, the fact that parliamentary elections are conducted for a year, nor a central theme war, is taken into the background in Luxembourg. Statistics are flexible in working hours in Fokus. “The Society has gone this way, the Rahmenbedingungen are different, and Luxembourg is a more modern State,” says Prime Minister Luc Frieden (CSV), as the debate about a new goal of the Arbeitszeiten eröffnete.

This Ankündigung überrascht kaum: Het Kapitel Arbeit in de Koalitionprogramma isfasst itself with the notnauwen «A passage of the Gesetzlichen Rahmens (…) with the Soul, a new Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- and Privatleben zu koop».

Dieser Ansatz passes zur liberalen Sichtweise der Arbeitgeberverbände, die sich für “besser arbeiten” stands for “few labor” einsetzen. This vision becomes relevant to the broader state of the business processes when it is a concrete regulation. A message: The planned approval of the probe into electronic commerce concerns injustice and criticism of the Labor Minister, Georges Mischo.

If you need more home office, you can get more responses. If the telework of a number of civil servants – outside the service sector – is desirable, it is worthwhile to unite the coalition in a postponed version and base it on a consensual Arbeitgeber and Arbeitnehmer. We do not believe that the description of the Four Days Marches is correct, but this trick is a certain Herausforderungen.

An official from the Banking Sector, the major workers in Luxembourg, said the problem: “The Four Days Marches are attractive, where you quickly get involved in the Tarifverhandlungen”, reports Jean-Jacques Rieff, Vizepräsident der Gewerkschaft Aleba. «Viele Beschäftigte machen overstunden, en Werkstage von meer als zehn Stunden since untersagt.» If a craft involvement at the Four Days Marches has a major influence on the financial sector, it is skeptical. This flexible Ansatz search takes place at the Koalitionsparteien DP and CSV, dürfte aber auch Kritik reformufen. Jean-Jacques Rieff notes: “If there are no ideas in the regulation, aber noch bleibt veldes unklar.”

Laut an overview of the job no longer sees half of the fragmented company data and the current models no longer appear. Statistical plädiers fell the labor associations dafür, the Arbeitszeiten den unternehmerischen Erfordernissen anzupassen: In intensen Phasen more labor, um in ruhigeren Zeiten longer Pausen zu können.

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