
Mohnsamen, fetthaltiger Fisch & Co.: Urologist verrät, who is Prostata schützt

Mohnsamen, fetthaltiger Fisch & Co.: Urologist verrät, who is Prostata schützt

Cahill concretes the idea of ​​a balanced approach for prostate health. Laut ihm is een solche Ernährung “lebensnotschik”. These can be used as: Obst, Gemüse, Mageren Proteinen Wie Eiern, Griechischem Joghurt or Hülsenfrüchten and Vollkorn products. This lifestyle likes buying weights and helping the time, the weight you control. If the risks for a larger problem are resolved, prostate problems are reduced.

The Urologist’s concrete is one of the ways in which prostate health is treated. There are no indications that vernachlässig will not take place.

This sin in Lebensmitteln wie:

  • Olivenöl
  • Nüssen wie Mandeln, Walnüssen or Pekannüssen
  • and avocados


On the other side of the work, the problem that there is often too high a load can be solved. This means that you can eat high quality meat with Burger and Pizza, Butter, Fetthaltiges Fleisch with Schweinebauch, Schafsbrust or Rinderbrust and Käse. This lifestyle can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A study from McGill Universität in Montréal (Kanada) found that men, who live beautiful lives with lots of healthy consumer consumption, have a higher risk for prostate cancer as a vegan. This research is based on genetic data from 319 patients with prostate cancer. The basis for this is that the living environment with many positive feelings and a healthy lifestyle supports a generation that supports the strong commitment of the Prostatakrebs in connection.