
Mediziner has studied Manoppello’s “Volto Santo”.

Mediziner has studied Manoppello’s “Volto Santo”.

Im ersten Heiligen Jahr anyway, das Papst Boniface VIII. (1294–1303) als Christliches Jubeljahr für das Jahr 1300 eingeführt hat, war nicht der Papst das wichtigste Ziel aller Pilger nach Rom, and nicht single die Apostelgräber, without a hauchdünner Schleier mit dem Antlitz Christi. That was the Holy History. The Bildschleier war with the large scale of the Petersbasilika, the damals in the lateinic “Sanctum Sudarium” and “Veronica” were created. The Reliquie sounds like the Holy Scripture from the Grab Christi, the first message from the Evangelists John, together with the long Leintuch erwähnt wird, which was delivered in Turin. In January 1208 Papst Innozenz III. This Holy Schweißtuch began in Rome in a Monstranz with Kristall barfuß vom Petersdom in the hospital Santo Spirito in Sassia, and can be damned in the Catholic world of the West. Since 1620, it was performed as a “Holy Face” (Volto Santo) in a Church of the Kapuziner auf a Hügel vor Manoppello at the Abhang des Majella-Massivs in Abruzzo, performed by Benedict XVI. It will be September 1, 2006, when the first anniversary of 400 years will be over. It is a fabric with a lot of Rätseln. A substance is a substance that Gosbert from Schweinfurt in Germany no longer sees, but it is heard and photos of the photos are taken.

Gosbert Weth is 78 years old, chef, doctor of the Medizin and Doctor of Natural Sciences (Chemistry) with an academic Bildbuchkarriere. As chef and head chef of the hormone laboratory at the University of Würzburg, they are a great Hundertjährigen-Studie der Welt with 575 Teilnehmern im Alter von 100 Jahren met. There is a rapid expansion of tumor therapies, which is offered as a patent for the German research prize and war refers to more welfare conferences for geriatrics and gerontology. He is one of the new experiences of wasserstoffs who deals with a aussichtslose fall in Bad Kissingen.

Weil there is a superzeugt ist, that the “Bild” on the saints Schweißtuch keine maltechnische or chemical Ursache kann, kam Weth am Vorabend des nachsten Heiligen Jahres 2025, am 26. September, with a special Messgerät from the Nuklearmediz for Alpha-, Beta and gamma radiation from the päpstlichen Basilika des Heiligen Gesichts nach Manoppello. Here, Mr. Antonio Gentili vom Kapuzinerkonvent des Heiligtums is willingly the Panzerglastur der Vitrine, in the holy Sudarium since the year 1714 in his Reliquiar two Kristallscheiben in a Rahmen aus Nussbaum and Fischleim eingeschweißt ist. It is a war with the Patrozinium of Saint Cosmas and Damian, if the Arzt from Bad Kissingen here in the Mittagspause zwei Stunden and the Samstag is not even a Stunde for his subordinate wurden.

“As a medical practitioner I recognize myself,” the message began: “These persons must have suffered torture. If you are aware of the rights you have, the German sightbar of Hämatome. When this hammatome is in use, there is no intensive treatment, while the treatment in meditation is carried out when maintenance is required. See the pictures since the reseller Farbspuren nor Blutspuren feststellbar. Deshalb can display the image first if it is correct. Auf der Nase (on the links page) is ausgeprägtes Hämatom, das schon älter als etwa 2 tot 3 Tage alt sein muss. Weitere Körpersäfte wie Blut or Schweiß since not recognised. Now these things can be one of the consequences of a person. I am of the rights which I see as a double Hämatom. Normally it would still be the case that fall is in the fall, but Toten dies in August. Der Mann on this image will get even worse in August. This image is a unique phenomenon.”

Ben Ende seiner Untersuchung gab Weth zu Protokoll: „All in all the image of the saints is now a single Erklärung zu. The atomic Change of Stickstoff (N14) on Kohlenstoff (C14) must maintain an electric neutron radiation (Light energy). The light energy present in the Schleier is the atomic Siege for the Umwandlung von Stickstoff (N14) in Kohlenstoff (C14). If the Kohlen dust is a dusty color, set the image as the Matter in Tuch ab. Make sure you achieve some scale. The ‘Bild’ also owes itself to the manufacturing process, the core of the nuclear changes phase of the transport materials.”

There are many people who can linger in this period, while most of the radiation in the light radiation is invisible, but in some cases there is a strong signal – who is the electromagnetic radiation or the fast invisible infrared light. Everything is possible because Strahlen provides energy.

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We said the following: “The radiocarbon method is best that a Kohlenstoff-C14 note is used. Kohlenstoff-C14 is equipped with a long life of 5730 years in Stickstoff-N14 ​​under the release of a beta radiation, which is radioactively deactivated by atomic nuclei. The image of Kohlenstoff-C14 moves through Stickstoff-N14 ​​​​zurück. If Kohlenstoff is dunkel, this is the image during the circulation from Stickstoff to Kohlenstoff dunkel made and optically visible. Not even: The image on Manoppello’s Tuch was not created by fabrication, but by an atomic representation of the existing sticky substance molecule in the organic matter.”

“Wir haben deshalb versucht, die freesetzte Beta-Strahlung am Tuch von Manoppello zu messenger”, says it. “The war is not so complete, but the two glass plates are one and the same. The war of Trotzdem is one of the most likely, this Strahlung of the messenger, who is for ca. 2000 Year old hat and of ca. 50 Prozent schon verbraucht sind.”

Angesicht der erwähnten Halbwertszeit von 5730 Jahren “müsste noch eine Messung dieser Strahlung möglich sein” – was tatsächlichlich der Fall war: “Diese Grundstrahlung an dem Bildschleier were signifikant higher as draußen in the free nature. If you want to praise this and not know more, you can send this Grundstrahlung to the messenger. Hielten wir das Messgerät an der Seite des Reliquiars, also left and right to the Stellen, a small glass abstraction available war, said in ca. 40-prozentiger Anstieg der Beta-Strahlung as Folge der Verwandlung von Kohlenstoff-C14 zu Stickstoff-N14. Insgesamt war this Beta-Strahlung, the draußen in nature is überall vorhanden ist, in the geschützten Basilika thereheblich höher as draußen. It is stubbornly a Widerspruch. The Ursache for this higher density and Beta-Strahlen can now lie in the existence of Volto Santo in the Innern der Basilika.”

“The readings of the lessons of Manoppello in the night can be explained in detail,” said the author. “It is a Dunklen study, we are in the process of switching from the C14 to Stickstoff-N14 ​​​​Energy-free, it is not possible for light quanta to be released, when it comes to electronics, which becomes a herkömmlichen lamp in a higher orbital direction. When the electronics had fallen into his Orbital, it came with freedom of light, the Strahlen des Tuchs von Manoppello in der Nacht was clear.”

In one satz: The Holy Face creates Light in itself. The „Wahre Ikone“ (Vera Eikon), wie der Schleier seit Jahrhunderten auch noch geannnt wird, strahlt in sich selber. This Bildschleier is also not identical to the Heiligen Sudarium from Jerusalem and the “Veronika” from Rom. It is “the human face of Gottes”, according to Papst Benedict XVI. If we talk about the energy just one more time, the unhealthy life in the Kirchenraum will be full, in the more normal flow no more messes could last at all.

The group is not new, but Volto Santo is a Kraftquelle. If you have a Pilger gel quickly, the holy hat is inflated. If you go through Gosbert’s negotiation, it is true that the Jubeljahr de Aussage nicht longer a blouse Behauptung, under a physical Tatsache, which will miss its messenger.