
So continue with the Anime Series

So continue with the Anime Series

About 1000 followers there are more Morde, more brilliant Gadgets, a new skateboard – and no more detectives who are also a Grundschüler. This is a natural representation of the anime series “Detektiv Conan”. In November I will go to the German Fernsehen and to Joyn zurück.

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

  • In “Detektiv Conan” a Grundschüler has found a brilliant 17-Jähriger undercover.

  • Auf Deutsch sind bisher 483 Folgen erschienen. Der Sender ProSiebenMAXX can no longer be used in the German Fernsehen in the hole.

  • ProSiebenMAXX started the series with Folge 112 on November 11, 2024.

  • Montags bis freitags du um 18:55 Uhr jewelery a Folge.

  • The next steps are streamed by Joyn.

  • Auf Joyn kan die film des anime-krimi-reihe!

Darum is with “Detektiv Conan”

“I never give up my life, and I find myself” – that is the Maxime von Shin’ichi Kudo. The combination of the genius 17 years in Tokyo is so likely that it has an official function in the police. Eines Tages have fallen into the men in black in hand. If you have a gift in your possession, it is a gift that you leave behind, but it is a gift in secret: The Gift rejuvenates itself. Since there is a great deal of hard work, the identity of Conan Edogawa is one – and there is more to come.

With a few tricks, Freundin Ran is one. Ihr Vater, Kogoro Mori, is a grottenschlechter from privatermittler, who now loses the complizier tests. Why? Weil in Conan per Narkose-Chronometer in a separated moment between a stimmen transposer – mitered in signaler Fliege – a Moris Stelle that has been lost. When an innocent Grundschüler is treated, the men in black are the instigator.

“Detektiv Conan” was released in Japan in 1996 in Fernsehen. 1139 Folgen (Stand October 2024) and 27 films were made in the Series zu eener – if you no longer look at the long Krimireihen der Welt. And also one of the following: The 27. Film productions in Japan are a sales record and cinema films. Description: “Detektiv Conan” is not any anime crime. Here are highlights for this interplay.

More anime from ProSieben MAXX and Joyn

Long experience: Neue Folgen “Detektiv Conan”

“Detektiv Conan” Fans have had Atem for a long time. 2002 Wurden the first series of the series in the German Fernsehen Ausgestrahlt, but 2006 war with Folge 333, “Der stumm zurückgelassene Beweis, Teil 2” Schluss. It was time to get back to normal with those Parts 3 to 5 (yes, the Story war as Funnel was released!) See, if ProSieben MAXX brought new Folgen into German TV. After their hundredth episode, it’s a two-year hiatus, after an extra 50 weeks of waiting.

Since April 2023, you will be wary of those fans on Folge 484, but you will never be able to find them in a more extensive format. ProSieben MAXX uses the theme in August at the Animagic-Messe: Dort speaks to Johanna Tübbing with many fans, including all new followers in the program they bring. The fans are not patient either, so they are patient and passionate about their Lieblingsermittler.

“Detektiv Conan” film series by Joyn

When Joyn watches the movie “Detektiv Conan” he gets to work. An anime fan can then see a prosperous story in a hyperiridian style, while the new series “Hell’s Paradise” is on the path to an indefinite means. The most important thing is that there is a snack, that it is not possible to start spinning.

Joyn’s film “Detektiv Conan” can be seen here