
Nach Riss in Bandscheibenhülle – Meillards Wettlauf mit der Zeit: «Könnte für Levi reichen» – Sport

Nach Riss in Bandscheibenhülle – Meillards Wettlauf mit der Zeit: «Könnte für Levi reichen» – Sport

Der Romand hofft, 3 Wochen nach seiner Rückenverletzung wieder am Startstehen zu können.

For the Ski-Schweiz war there is a loss of moisture before the start of the season, for Loïc Meillard there is a schmerzhaft. The Rede is from Riss in the Bandscheibe, on the 28-year-old Valais in Sölden, as he finds a way to start and make a start. Two weeks later there is laughter at Meillard’s review of the “Sports Panorama”.

«Es geht mir aktuell sehr gut, fast jede Bewegung geht gut», so Meillard ben Sonntagabend. Although no light goal has ever been achieved, but we have started therapy, “getting soft in the right direction.” The most daring moment in which Meillard conquered for a long time: «I start by separating the battle, do not start, the war is not complete. If you do something, it is not right: it would be appropriate.”

Das Frauen-Aufgebot for Levi

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Box suckers

Am Samstag is in Levi (FIN) with the next Weltcup-Rennen der Frauen. The following Swiss women were at the start of the slaloms: Michelle Gisin, Wendy Holdener, Camille Rast, Mélanie Meillard, Nicole Good, Aline Danioth, Elena Stoffel, Janine Mächler, Aline Höpli.

If you go through the Valais in the gym, the war is no longer possible. «It’s Schritt for Schritt besser. Freedom was acquitted, I thought my back reacted somewhat, it was quite normal.”

Levi in ​​​​Blick, the Saison in the Hinterkopf

Nun started a battle with time for Meillard. It will be a pleasure to visit the next day with the Slalom in Levi, which is on the program for two Saison races. Is it a clean rule? «The soul is there, then I can start again. I must have a better spatial environment. If you are an empire, it can’t be like that, it’s vague.

Meillard won’t force anything, people notice that. The Saison with the Höhepunkt WM 2025 in Saalbach is not that long. So you say, “If I can’t start at 100 percent, maybe I’ll live longer and start better.”