
Wertpaper Profil Open End Turbo Short Optionsschein auf USD/JPY (DZ BANK AG) WKN DJ9UR9 ISIN DE000DJ9UR97 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil Open End Turbo Short Optionsschein auf USD/JPY (DZ BANK AG) WKN DJ9UR9 ISIN DE000DJ9UR97 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Lauda-Königshofen ( – Maciej Gaj from “” puts in an active view of an Open End Turbo Short (ISIN DE000DJ9UR97 / WKN DJ9UR9) from the DZ BANK on the Währungspaar USD/JPY ( ISIN XC0009659910) / WKN 965991) for.

The US dollar that the Japanese yen (USD/JPY) has gained has entered the peak of round 11 in the month of September and has been ahead of the highs in the month of June. When you focus on the development of the trend, it can be identified, while the direction of the price is determined by the pair of condensed words. A trendsetter has no choice but to move on.

Nachdem das Paar USD/JPY In August, a medium interest rate trend has gone through a price drop of 151.9440 JPY, now it is no longer possible to use a horizontal interest rate, which this summer spent a year at a best 139.3880 JPY. A huge dynamic venture has begun, gaining the price to 154.7080 JPY and reaching its favorite destination. Aktuell was this Stelle für Gewinnahmen enjoyed, soft drinks from the letzten a Umkehrformation reformed könnte.

A subsequent course of action under half a level of 150.9620 JPY würde Korrekturpotenzial im Rahmen een 123-Consolidierung zunächst in de Bereich der eitenden Durchnitte um 149.7000 JPY auslösen, darunter müsste der Bereich um 147.670 0 JPY as support for einjumping. I could expect a rally race at a few events, but a mistake was made during the race. It is a day that is dynamically in the sky last time at 154.7080 JPY, but it is not even one of the outflow trends from 156.5810 JPY that should undergo a test.

Greater happiness on an unmittelable Rallyefortsetzung sollten ich Investors angesichts der sich zunehmend eintrübenden Kursmuster nicht machen; a value of 151.2760 JPY würden Abschläge auf 149.7000 JPY is a value of a short engagement agreement. It appears that 1998 expenditures still amount to JPY 174,6700.

While opening the Open End Turbo Short certification, the first result of the first test can yield a return of 70 percent. A Verlustigingsbegrenzung would no longer be worth an amount of 152.6530 JPY, while the stop price is 1.48 Euro. The anlage horizon now no longer lasts, but it is a matter of the development of the business activities. (11.11.2024/oc/a/w)

Possible options for interested parties: Possible options for interested parties can be found on the site of the authors/of the quotes Analyzeat sometime.