
FTSE 100-Papier Admiral Group-Action: So fell with an investment in Admiral Group for 3 years

FTSE 100-Papier Admiral Group-Action: So fell with an investment in Admiral Group for 3 years

So Verlust stood out a bit in the Admiral Group Action Action.

Heute vor 3 Jahren wurden Trades Admiral Group-Anteilen an der Börse LSE ausgeführt. Zum Handelsende stand the Admiral Group promotion for this Tag for 29.26 GBP. For an investment of GBP 1,000 in the Admiral Group stock over 3 years, there was an investment in the purchase of 34,176 Admiral Group stock. With the payment of the payment due on 08.11.2024 (GBP 25.15), where the investment was now worth GBP 859.54. Damit hätte sich das Investment um 14.05 Prozent reduces.

Jüngst gave Admiral Group a market capitalization of 7.70 billion. GBP.

Bitte beachten, dass in obenstehender Rechnung Aktiensplits en Dividendenzahlungen nicht berücksichtigt.


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