
Golf-Altmeister op Rekordjagd: Bernhard Langer weiter meerfollowgreich

Golf-Altmeister op Rekordjagd: Bernhard Langer weiter meerfollowgreich

Bernhard Langer never played in the body best after his Achillessenrisss, when the tennis game Pickleball started, and the following Operation on February 2: „I had happiness, that I was able to cope with three months. The beauty is that we can use the carts (golf cart) here. That I was not in the Low War, 18 I was lost, that I was happy. If I ask the Leute, whoever, I am not even close to their third Prozent, but I am a functional golfer.”

Anyone who sees the Bavarian Swabians from Anhausen on the Platz is demonstrating the end of the season at the Charles Schwab Cup Championship, the season finale of the PGA Tour Champions at the Phoenix Country Club in Arizona. The Wahlamerikaner from Florida can besiege the German young competitors in the Turnier series for Best Agers, which is popular in the United States, with a change of 67 years, two months and 14 days – a new advancement of the alternative records.

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Please note that the elevation height is higher. There is a scaffolding at the best market at 47 Siege, more like American Hale Irwin. More than that: Seit is nach seinem 50. Geburtstag in September 2007 first time on dieser Ü-50-Serie-spielte, depending on your Saison ein Sieg, als 18 Jahre nacheinander. A terminated Bilanz, who has such a financial burden: the son has earned more than 528,000 dollars (approximately 492,500 Euro) and the jetty has put his prize money account on that 50-Tour at more than 37 Million Dollars (34.5 Million Euro). .

Dazu gelang Langer am Sonntag nor a premiere. The first time it is an Abschlussturnier in Phoenix, it is worth being Majors of a senior gymnast of the Saison, which is spielt four times. They describe themselves as seniors in three lockers. In the written Runde it takes longer to a Runde of 64 Schlägen of the Konkurrenten abgesetzt and the Vorsprung on the first new Löchern der Schlussrunde weiter vergrößert. When Birdies appear on the first new Löchern, the message is that Schläge hints at gelassen.

But there is still time to enjoy life for a long time and enjoy new life. There is no longer any question of Abschläge. So the Neuseeländer Steve Alker and the Australian Left-Hander Richard Green (after 53 years) could gleichziehen with the German for the Schlussloch. But we would still like to put a putt into it at the end of the meter at 18. Grün vorbeischob, fresh longer signals ball at the meter to the birdie.

Thanks a Schlussrunde of 67 Schlägen and insgesamt 266 Schlägen (18 under Par) ließ there both Mitspieler einen Schlag behinder sich. When it comes to green, you will enjoy your meal with a place to begin with, and you will enjoy it for a long time. There is a certainty in the seasonal competition, the Charles Schwab Cup, on the first Platz, with an honorary title of one million dollars (937,700 euros).

Alker, after 2022, we will have a great time during the Saison-Pokal in the Armen, where there are many Missing stories in the past, Loch in better Stimmung, and the two Platz reichte, with the South African Ernie Els (55) von Platz eins zu verdrängen: “Selbstverständlich het is where he has won,” said Alker, who lives and signals in Phoenix. The title of the Vorjahr received a report: “Aber we received an Applause from Bernhard. There is non-glaublich, that is a wirklich.”

Nor deutlicher schwärmte Els, der diesmal nur dem 13. Rang gelandet war, von dem deutschen Champion: „Unglaublich, einfach unglaublich. There is an absolutely inexplicable golfer. I made a few highlights, there are long pits. There is a wonderful game and a great journey for our game.”

No longer is the case for a longer period, the European Tour with 42 victories after the Spanier Ballesteros (50) the two-man victory, with a clear view of the Golf Course in Sicht, obwohl is vom Abschlag with 250 meters of deutlich kürzer ist als de young Wettbewerber . Once concrete is just one thing in Phoenix, it first disappeared when the series was set in the surrounding countries. Aber Davon is not self-conscious after a dream flight, nor anything else.

This season, the country has entered the Top Ten eight times 16 times. In the background of the Driver-Länge – the current world-best young men play the Ball four times, fun Meter more – verkündete of the two-time Masters-Champion (1985 and 1991), which is in 2025 until the Major des Jahres in April as active Teilnehmer verabschieden became: a Lebewohl, which goes through the Erfolg in Phoenix, is still possible contain more branded items.