
In Baden-Württemberg you will find the best Hotel of the World

Who can say a house? Hotel Schiefes Haus in Ulm: Yes! The Hotel Schiefes Haus in Ulm is one of the most valuable things – and a historical jewel.

Since the year 14. Years in the Fischerviertel der Ulmer Altstadt, it is finished with a Schräglage von bis 10 Grad, die durch hundertelange Setzungen im feuchten Untergrund entstanden. The altimeter can be connected to 40 Zentimeter. The Gebäude-übertrift says that it concerns the Schiefen Turm von Pisa. Since 1997, the gold-plated Haus Guinness-Buch der Rekorde has been listed as the most important Hotel der Welt.

The schiefe Bauweise is no longer an optical highlight: The schräge Ausrichtung is in the inner spürbar. Viele Gäste finds it exciting, no matter how little the chance is that the following roles will be offered, “was the Aufenthalt een spielerieks Note verleiht”, he is in the Rezensionen on or Tripadvisor.

Aber keine Sorge: Die Zimmer des alten Fachwerkhauses are so eingericht, that alle Möbel – for allem aber die Betten – gerade stehen, soft drinks that Gäste durchhaus gerade liegt and such intestinal schlafen können.

In the background of the most important hotel in the world: Komiker Wigald Boning war in those years in Ulm at Gast and how the Rahmen blessing experiments (jeden Tag in free water in baths) came into being in the water. Es war signal 782. Badetag in Folge.

In the background of the most important hotel in the world: Komiker Wigald Boning war in those years in Ulm at Gast and how the Rahmen blessing experiments (jeden Tag in free water in baths) came into being in the water. Es war signal 782. Badetag in Folge. (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

The best Hotel Deutschlands could be built in Ulm with a few additional options: Im smaller Haus in Ulm could be guests – that lies on the Hand – im smaller Haus der Stadt übernachten.

If you want to be separated, you can move between two bedrooms and three apartments. Mehr Platz is not in the house, at 17. Jahrhundert ist. The Breite has a degree of 4.63 meters.

Schräg triffs Schmal

So since those Hotels are available

Schräg triffs Schmal

Thats Hotel Schiefes Haus in Schwörhausgasse you can reach us by phone on 0731 967930 or under Pssst: the Zimmer mit südlicher Ausrichtung since besonders sief.

Thats Hotel Schmales Haus can be contacted by telephone on 0731 / 60272595 or under