
Autismus at work place: “I have my whole life, but I am so different”

Autismus at work place: “I have my whole life, but I am so different”

Etwa ein Prozent der Menschen in Deutschland hat een Autismus-Spektrum-Störung. Clemens Herforth first made the diagnosis at the age of 58. When I’m half done, I see it as a job that becomes clear.

Wie fremd mir die Mitmenschen manchmal sind. If you think your fragments are. If you think it is. Ask yourself why I am so different. I often don’t see it. Was bedeuten ihre Worte? Was fuhlen sie? Was it now loose with mir? I’m breaking my life in my life.

Think of it as a grateful person for the Zusammenbruch. 2022 I have a team with support from an internet broker. Zehn hates the responsible war. Manchmal saß ich 16 Stunden im Büro, work durch. Was I da mache, fragte meine Frau. “Clemens,” he says, “you must drink and drink.” Dann kam der Abend im Mai 2022, meine Mutter feierte ihren 85. Geburtstag, is war een big Party in Restaurant, I have to machen Small Talk, that’s how I’m even more stressed. When things go well, it’s a great experience and sinks in my sister.