
Gelungener Start in the Faschingssaison

Am 11.11. pünktlich at 11.11 am the two new Prinzenpaare der Faschingsgesellschaft Narrhalla auf dem Viktualienmarkt vorgestellt. When the weather is good, the tolls can no longer be found and processed with the 2. Bürgermeister Munichs, Dominik Krause, start in the Närrische Zeit. The Faschingssaison ends 2024/25 am Faschingsdienstag, 4. March, a long Saison is also in front of the Faschingsfreunden. Rund 200 Auftritte gilded is for the Prince Couple of absolviers, before the Regentschaft is over.

Engagierte Prinzenpaare der Narrhalla

Prince Christian IV. If the Rhinelands in the Karneval are in Blut gebürtiger, aber auch der Münchner Fasching lies ihm am Herzen. Deshalb started organizing the Fahnenregiments of Narrhalla in 2019, because he received his nomination “vom Gardeoffizier” for Faschingsprinz aktiv mitanzte. The Bühne is a Wohlfühlort, the contact with your Publikum is in my interest
2002 left Christian Deussen after Munich. There are no problems like Goldschmied, while the Fokus lies on credit, Exclusivity and Präzision, when there is a metal wonderful Schmuckstücke fertigt, the Leidenschaft die Music.
My several Gospel choirs in Krefeld and Munich were in Tourneen in Germany, Sweden and the USA. Soloistic Nahm is an international competition and competition in Germany and Australia.
Christian Deussen started 2019 with Solo-Karriere as a singer. There are many songs for themselves and their own Debut Single “Auf das Leben”, they are present in the radio stations. Before the Amtszeit wrote its own song as the official Faschingsprinz of the Landeshauptstadt Munich, it was sung live with: “Beste Zeit”.

Princess Michaela II. Born on July 2, 1987 in Memmingen, a behütete Kindheit im Kreise ihrer großen Family was born in Niederrieden in Unterallgäu. The Faschingszeit war for Michaela is one of the highlights of the year in Kindertagen. With beautiful costumes, mumbling to your children, you dare to play children’s ball and amaze your aunt, who was dancing in the night bar ort in the Prinzengarde. As an alternative to 13 years, I go to the Leidenschaft fürs Tanzen, go to the Fuß-stapfen in Tante and wurde Tänzerin in der Prinzengarde Boos.
In 2006 he studied at the Ulm Gymnasium for Mathematics and Chemistry, followed by a PhD in Mathematics in the field of Codierungstheorie with algebraic curves. After the promotion war in project management and business analysis in the IT task. In 2014, she moved to Munich, worked in the automotive region and was happy with a larger version of the Traumberuf. Munich was for Michaela with two homes, in the heute with their tragic lives. The Narrhalla works for the family in the summer of 2019 in the Prinzengarde Mittanzt.

Auch the Jugendprinspaar hat the Fasching in Blut. Jugendprinz Johan I. was born in 2010 in Helsingborg, Sweden and lived within 3 years of Munich. The 8th class of the Isar Realschule and the Fächer Deutsch, Biology and Sports are considered.
In the Freizeit river, Johan is sporty and creative. Tennis, ski racing, wakeboarding and light athletics have started, but an art is very involved. Bereits ab dem Alter von 3 Jahren nahm his professional Tanz- and Gesangsunterricht, später follow Einsätze in Bereich Film, Theater and Gesang. Johans Leidenschaft für die närrische Zeit would have been weckt by the Seine Kölner Verwandtschaft, so much more fun is in, jetzt part of the Narrhalla as Jugendfaschingsprinz zu sein.

Princess Hannah I. Wurde 2009 in Philadelphia, USA, born and raised in the 10th Class of the Max Born Gymnasium in Germering. Ihre Lieblingsfächer sind Geschichte und Musik. Seit der 2. This class is with Simone Schicht Hip-Hop and Showtanz, who has been a ballet dancer in the US for a year. Hannah has started the children’s and youth guard and has developed a “parketter problem”. Neben dem Tanzen played with Klavier and Geige, sung and played at Musicals with. Hannah is most active and involved in the children’s and youth movement of the evangelical Jesus Christ Church. There is no problem with the Faschingsauftritte for children and seniors.

The biggest major Auftritt for the Narrhalla was on November 24 in the Sonntag, when the Sigi-Zomer-Taler in Wirtshaus in Schlachthof in Zenettistraße 9 was lost. Los geht is here at 7pm, Einlass is at 6pm.
Before the tollitäten in the Christmas break, you will find the social activities of Narrhalla a Christmas concert in the St. Maximilians Church in the Auenstraße on 15. Dezember at 6 pm statt. Under the Motto: “Der Stern geht auf” with the Orchester Klaus Ammann sings and makes music.

The intronization will take place on Samstag, January 11 at Marienplatz. Release time is at 10:30 am. De Narrhalla would make this analysis with the different garden and regimental unit of some of the show programs shown. The end ride is free.
Der grote Narrhallaball takes place in the Deutschen Theater on February 8 at 8 p.m. (Einlass 7 p.m.) statt. At the Abend Soiree, the official Faschingsprinzen Couple of Landeshauptstadt Munich presents with the Prinzenwalzer and the glamorous Tanzshow by Narrhalla Prinzengarde. View Termine and Tickets find a man