
Disney-Dampfer eilt zindem Boot zur Hilfe

Disney-Dampfer eilt zindem Boot zur Hilfe

Bermuda Mitten im gefürchteten Bermuda-Dreieck started a catamaran that wasser laufen, but a traumatic rettungsaction made for a lighter Ausgang.

Die "Disney treasure" responds to a Hilferuf and rescues four passengers from a sinking catamaran.

The “Disney Treasure” responds to a Hilferf and four Passage of a Sinking Katamaran. © Screenshot/Facebook/ABC News

Der Katamaran calls “Serenity” before it perishes Sonntag gut 370 Kilometer von der Küste discovers Bermuda when the drama takes place.

A poet in the Notluke führte dazu, that the 15 Meter long Schiff started, Wasser zu nehmen.

The ABC News report called for Hilfe’s four-member family and “Serenity” board to become “Disney Treasure,” a new Kreuzfahrtschiff based in Florida.

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The Disney-Dampfer from the Netherlands comes within 130 kilometers when the Katamaran is sinking, when there is rateen Menschen erfuhr in Seenot.

The Schiff-schaffte is lawful by the panicking Passengers and Rettete with small boats.

All four sides are certain and have a major problem with the problem that has arisen, that it has ended up in the United States.

“We are happy with our friends, because the Disney Treasure can help the passengers we receive. We need to make sure we have the right to care for our loved ones and enjoy the protection and the commitment to safety and security”, thus the chapter of the “Disney Treasure”.