
More money for St. Galler Bauern with PFAS taxes Böden – TOP ONLINE

More money for St. Galler Bauern with PFAS taxes Böden – TOP ONLINE

The Regie will unterstützen landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, deren Boden with PFAS-laden sind, with a Sonderkredit. The previous limit on 100,000 francs is based on an assessment of the surroundings and not-for-profit mass payments, but the minimum requirement is to write the vorberatende Kommission am Dienstag in one of the Mitteilung.

The credit rating community will leave the Mitteilung occupation committee for the third time in 2025 when the sale is carried out. The Kantonsrat ends up in the Vorlage during the winter session.

Influenced businesses must have reached the next period, a massive attack by the PFAS tax that has proven effective, the previous committee wrote further. If the Commission is of the opinion that “communication improves the involvement involved”.

Verkauf von Fleisch stopped

In Canton St. Gallen, one of the things you need to take into account is the PFAS chemical tax you have to pay. When the first mass is stopped at the end of August in a landwirtschaftsbetrieben der verkauf von Fleisch. Kontamierte Flächen can be found in the Gemeinden Mörschwil, Eggersriet, Untereggen, Goldach, Altenrhein or St. Margrethen.

PFAS is a chemical industry that has been working throughout the years through industrial production, such as cuts in water-repellent raincoats, Teflon-protected bratpfans or in Löschschaum. They can be detrimental to the health of their lives.