
More time in the morning?: Swiss summer flying – that’s the basics

More time in the morning?: Swiss summer flying – that’s the basics

So fly with the Swiss – a Blick behind the Kulissen

For a flight with the higher costs, the beach could increase. blue News that the Tierbetreuung at Zurich Airport once Besuch abgestattet and said dir, was tun ist, when the four-beiniger Freund mitreisen soll.


A new study at the University of Cambridge should ensure that the fluggeschwinding is reduced, an air-selling kerosene is spared. The Swiss discovery is the idea of ​​a smaller intestine.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • The Swiss are looking forward to 2023 success and success, and will continue to travel with passengers.
  • A study at the University of Cambridge has the Fluggeschwindigkeit a 15 Prozent that is reduced, a Kerosinverbrauch is one of the Prozent-prozent to become.
  • As the flight lasted longer in the next phase, airline production became a lot more interesting.
  • The Swiss discovery is the idea of ​​a smaller intestine.

It will be a lie if the Corona pandemic does not receive statutory financing: the Swiss will expect a victory in 2023. Auch dies for years by the Anzahl Passagere style.

Viele Airlines is investing in the future – a bolder step towards the fear of dry flights and higher controls.

A new study from the University of Cambridge has now compared a previous study, which has calculated the sector’s emissions as best as possible: the airlines have produced their products with kerosene effects, while losing around 15 percent of the time. Beim Bau künftiger Flugzeuge sollte dieses Ziel berücksichtigt.

Flugzeiten were certainly longer

Der Nachteil aus Passagiersicht: Die Flugzeiten were longer. A flight across the Atlantic Ocean is caught by Cambridge-Expert* in 50 minutes. It won’t be long before Airlines’ products start selling. The Forschenden glauben are a scaffolded efficiency and flight with free flying times that can be accommodated at night.

A new study at the University of Cambridge wants the fluctuations to be reduced, a way to save kerosene.
A new study at the University of Cambridge wants the fluctuations to be reduced, a way to save kerosene.


The idea, the fluggeschwindingkeit that you reduce, a kerosene that you save, is not new. The summer of 2012 was the evil Swiss chef Harry Hohmeister with that theme. There is an idea that a Desire Agreement will help the Treibstoffverbrauch, when the Flugplan is implemented through the würdeinanderbringen.

Swiss Foreign Minister Michael Stief has published an optimal Geschwindigkeitsplanung, with the message “Aargauer Zeitung”. Because the factory settings have been shifted and the airflow has been tracked, CO2 emissions have been kept to a minimum.

Geschwindigkeitsreuktion sei contraproductiv

A pause in the discount at 15 percent, when Cambridge University came into action, the airline stopped its contract manufacturing. If you are sure that you have a larger aerodynamic wider stance, and a problem with the CO2 emissions that are carried out.

Swiss-Flugzeug bricht Starts at über 200 km/h ab

Ein Swiss-Flugzeug muss at Mittwochmorgen signals Start in Zurich abbrechen. Daraufhin could never do it again. The funkspruch between the pilots and the tower in video.


The Swiss set up a dynamic Flugmanagement. The end of the whistles became a flight and winding through a more active weather and wind data effect, one of the treibstoffverbrauch to optimize. If the modern IT technology of airlines calls on the Flugplanung of the Kerosene price, the price is calculated that will be given in the further future.

The reduction of emissions is no longer a problem, the Cambridige-Forschende has now no longer accepted the Umwelt emissions until 2050. If this is no longer the case, the perspective with the lancers and the large mass can be improved. Gemäss of Study trägt die Aviatik der Tijd 4 Prozent zur globalen Klimaerwarmung bei, webei 2.5 Prozent allein auf de CO2-Ausstoss zurückzuführen since.

Nachhaltigkeit is not always a priority

Stief requires additional Optimizations: “Before starting the starting track, start with the two Triebwerk first at a certain time, before starting, before starting.” The Sink and Anflug flight crew can work with the triebwerken in the learning phase, and during the Auftriebshilfen zur Landung the Cockpit Crew considers smaller, broader positions. «Nach der Landung schalten wir die zum Rollen nicht gebrauchten Triebwerke nach der Abkühlzeit aus.»

Aber: The fact is that the Swiss government is no longer a priority, but sees the fall of the new Cabinet. Which was built in 2015 for the long-term flight, but the luxurious First-Class Seat – including seating and comfort as well as XL-Fernsehbildschirm – is as clean as it can be with the parts of 14 A330-Flugzeugen for the Balance of the Einbau of Bleiplatten not really very .

The Rede weighs 1.5 tons, but the positive effects of a temporization are less good.

«Bilderbuch»-Notlandung: Pilot lands Cessna with new wheel

A flight of the American Fluggesellschaft Cape Air, a flight problem, lands at Boston Logan International Airport with now a radar under the connecting wing.
