
Half of the Berliner Clubs überlegt, de Betrieb im nächsten Jahr einzustellen

Half of the Berliner Clubs überlegt, de Betrieb im nächsten Jahr einzustellen

The Berlin Club Committee warns of a new club star in the Hauptstadt. Laut einer Umfrage unter ihren Mitgliedern Denk 46 Prozent der befragten Clubs nach, in de nächsten zwölf Monaten zu schließen. I forgot in February that Zahl is dying.

“De clubschließungen der letzten Monate since the beginning of an Entwicklung”, is the text of the Interessensvertretung of more than 100 Berliner Clubs am Dienstag mit. With this message, Renate can keep the Elsenbrücke, the Watergate and the Oberbaumbrücke closed. “Sinking Besuchendenzahlen, increasing Costs und fehlende Staatliche Unterstützung bedrohen die Zukunft der Szene”, so the Club Committee further stated. “Berlin’s Clubkultur remains an enormous pressure.”

More than half of the clubs, 52 Prozent, have used the active Club Monitoring wenger: this is a year ago. 55 Prozent verzeichneten rückläufige Umsätze – in Schnitt and new Prozent. Particularly small changes were seen as grimly affected. Knapp zwei Drittel, 61 Prozent, hätten in der Umfrage gegeben, dass ihre Gewin erheblich zurückgedingen seien – teils deutlich stärker as der Umsatz, um bis zu 35 Prozent.

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The business negotiations are cumbersome, so the club committee: 47 Prozent der Clubs messages van increasden Gagenforderungen, 87 Prozent von high bets. More than 40 percent may be eligible for a constitutional scheme that can be instituted by the judge.

Introduce more clubs to Aus financing. There is an urgent need for Berlin’s culture to have one of its most inclusive and inclusive all-nighters.

Emiko Gejic, two leaders of the club committee

The Club Committee has initiated an investigation into the aim of “a clear study by the Land of Berlin and as strong a stop to vegetation growth in the culture”. Emiko Gejic, chairman of the Club Committee, said: “The situation is serious: if the Clubs operate longer, they can finance their finances. It is urgent that Berlin’s culture is one of Berlin’s most inclusive and inclusive all-nighters.”

The club culture is a real world, we are exploring the city limits and the Berlin world is a ziggarige mache, teilte Marcel Weber, the star of the Vorsitzender of the Club Committee, mit. “Those planted Kürzungen im Kulturetat hit a mitten in Herz. If the euro invests in the cultural sector, part of the city comes into the city and is an investment in the Zukunft of Berlin.”

#BerlinIstKultur: Demonstration in Mittwoch am Brandenburger Tor

Deshalb ruft de Clubcommission gemeinsam with others Berliner Kulturinstitutionen zu a Demonstration am Mittwoch, 13. November, auf. The Aktionsbündnis #BerlinIstKultur will be at Platz van 18 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. März am Brandenburger Tor protest planted Kürzungen in Kulturetat des Berliner Haushalts.

“Jetzt ist der Moment zu Handeln. Berlin’s club culture is a symbol of quality of life and quality of life. It is not possible to use the Sparmaßnahmen. We appeal to all Berliner Politiker: to stop the plants and find common ground with a solution, about the Clubs and Cultures of Life, thus the Club Committee.