
Director of the thriller “Motel Destino”: “What is your relationship with sex and love?”

Director of the thriller “Motel Destino”: “What is your relationship with sex and love?”

Selbst von Seiner Wahlheimat Berlin with Karim Aïnouz with the most powerful sounds of modern Brazilian Kinos. After the director, who was born in 1966 as a native of Brasilia and an Algerian, will be released in 2023 with the British historical drama “Firebrand” with Jude Law and Alicia Vikander (as VoD), which will be released with his new film.

The movie

“Motel Destino”. Director: Karim Aïnouz. With Fábio Assunção, Nataly Rocha in Brazil/France/Germany 2024, 115 Min.

taz: Herr Aïnouz, “Motel Destino”, which a young Mannes founded, in one of the most remote Stundenhotel and the northern coastal area of ​​Brasilien at dennenbetreiber and his wife, ist after “Mariner of the Mountains” and “Firebrand” Ihr dritter Film in four years. I am looking at Frühjahr research into the Ausstellung „Blast!“ Künstlerische Arbeiten in the DAAD Gallery in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Is it one of the reasons your product hasn’t been as productive for so long?

Karim Aïnouz: Letztlich ist Filmemachen under a fragment of the right time and the right Ortes. The peculiarity of the “Motel Destino” was that it came from his dreams. The book was written in 2016 and received a major financial contribution a year later. My plan for war damals, the region, in the fight against the Leinwand in the north of Brazil. And if there is a film that, in the song and in the exciting play, plays sex and youth, this is a transgressive situation. But then in Brazil you can become a fascist and take power.

taz: Sie meinen Jair Bolsonaro, der 2018 zum Presidents gewählt.

Aïnouz: Ganz genau. Seeing the common cultural landscape in Brazil, the film production will continue, the longest geschlossene display will be carried out. Damit war auch mein Film first time died. I don’t want to live on the Lowest with that direction, the roads are with a conceivable bar, further in Brazil to Drehen. Also consider “Firebrand” and other international projects. But if the film was released in 2023 in Cannes, the situation would be different.

taz: Dass Bolsonaro 2022 die Wahl verlor en der left-oriented Lula da Silva zurück and the power comb, how soft the situation in art is?

Aïnouz: These floss tattoos are very quickly used in Gelderland for film and other cultural projects. With a Mal schien “Motel Destino” we would like to tell you. And if all the political issues have had a huge impact, there may be a huge impact on labor. I also flew directly from Cannes to Brazil and started, damnit, in the Windeseile den Film auf die Beine zu set. I haven’t waited that long to work at “Motel Destino”.

taz: Warum das?

Aïnouz: The fact is that the people who have done a movie want to make a movie. The war is a war, for Brazil and for me. Go to “Motel Destino” and the opportunity, with things to do, will last longer. I would like to break away from reality and with Fantasy Elements, Traumen and the unedited games. Schon in meinem Dokumentarfilm “Mariners of the Mountain” is about a journey and an inner experience, and it is a beautiful picture that you can find. Damit would like to experiment even more.

taz: An element of the file “Motel Destino” is sex. It has quickly become a seltenheit, where eroticism and lust will be enjoyed more by the children and will appear in Hollywood. 40 Prozent few sex lives have been long for 20 years. If you don’t know it’s a statement, or?

Aïnouz: But, you can still get a better view of it. Natural war, a sin and erotic film, primarily a reaction to the end of the authoritarian regimes in Brazil. If I am a little more striking, the number of cuts in the Saxon sex life is great, and it will be the case that my lectures and lectures are also in the public domain. Do you want to start this Entwicklung? And where? The story of the film is peculiar to film history. Where is the woman, sex and lies? There is still sex but everything is different. There is a life at night in Dusche am Morgen.

Taz: Yes, but that is not the case with men who regularly have sex…

Aïnouz: Stimt. After all, people are more than happy for their work – and they are proud of what they accomplished in their film. Was now said: For me ist Sex a Self-consciousness and that it is not with Guilt or the Shame zu tun, without any Spaß. I am a second sex positive person.

Photo: Bob Wolfenson

I am Interview: Karim Aïnouz​

Born 1966 in Fortaleza im Nordosten Brasiliens. He studied Architektur in Brasilia and Filmwissenschaft in New York. September 2012 will be held in Berlin. Sein Regiedebüt „Madame Satã“ sweet 2002 in Cannes. With “Praia do Futuro” war in 2014 in the Wettbewerb der Berlinale verten. “Die Sehnsucht der Schwestern Gusmão” was presented for best film in the 2019 Reihe “Un Certain Regard” in Cannes.

taz: Is it a solution for you to do a self-study, with an intimidation coordinator* in your partner?

Aïnouz: Although the war is skeptical, while the gratitude is niece, it is one of the best schauspieler and mirror as Director nor an Instanz office. But then I will be happy with “Firebrand” in my opinion. In the “Motel Destino” war zone with Roberta Serrado’s intimacy coordinator, this is no longer the case. If I never know again that my schauspieler* I want and certainly want to enjoy, I could be a real partner, when it comes to sex with choreographies and erzählerisch das meiste in his herauszuholen.

taz: Since sex is more comfortable than others?

Aïnouz: That’s not. Stubbornly, I’m not sure what to do. A sex life is for a different gender. When the films appear in the film, you see other films: you see one of the figures and its representation. It’s not like sex is blossoming. If people want them to go to the Internet, they can click on the Internet and click on porn. In a feature film, Sex is a narrative work. And there are some big problems. How effective would it be if the other people knew how to spend their time in the meantime?

We would not like to have an external content here. You entscheiden, ob sie dieses Element auch sehen wollen:

taz: After living in Brazil, living in Berlin, living in Berlin for many years. Do you have no idea what you will encounter in Deutschland?

Aïnouz: It’s not, that’s not the case in the German equipment. The part of “Futuro Beach” was shot in Berlin and of course on the documentary film “Zentralflughafen THF”. If I am vermutlich, it is not complete with the German Seele, the German cultural work. Although it was of course a lie, Berlin was internationally seen as the whole of Germany. It was dry, in my second day of life in Kreuzberg, it is cosmopolitan and typically German.

taz: Warum leben Sie is selbst in Zeiten an abermaligen Lula-Präsidentschaft lieber here as in Brasilien?

Aïnouz: If the war ends and someone flees, I will never be able to live in Brazil. Vielleicht weigh meines Behalfen und meiner algerischen Wurzeln. Other paths include homosexuality. The war in Berlin then the first Ort auf der Welt, die spürt habe is: Hier gehöre ich hin. Die Stadt is my favorite at all; There may be no frostbites, but they may stay away. Das Berlin, it is erlebe, is so, if I have the Zukunft-vorgestellt, nur im Hier en Jetzt. Eines Tages will be some of the best feature films in Germany at all. This is the photography for the bridge, my work and my life. The war is so hard, in the summer of 2024 my photos are in one of the most special circumstances.