
After Total-Erneuerung – Sole-Felsen-Hotel: A Fassade, which no one cares about

After Total-Erneuerung – Sole-Felsen-Hotel: A Fassade, which no one cares about

“Yes, it is a shame. No, das Geld en die Material are only a few years ago, Marcus Steinhart has the experience of the experience in eight intensive Monaten-runderneuerte Fassade des Sole-Felsen-Hotels in Gmünd: “Das soll soll as ussehen.” Steinhart is with the G1-Gruppe Mehrheitseigentümer des Hotels und des Sole-Felsen-Bad-Betreibers – en what if the solution is free, the new new solution with geschwungen Holzlamellen for dunkelgrauem Background in the Bevölkerung nicht nur positive reaction reformruft.

“Das Emotionale ist die Kunst.” The new Erscheinungsbild could no longer run into problems, Marcus Steinhart: Etwas Besonderes is allemal, weil es Gefühle auslöse, “das Emotionale, das dies Bauwerk auslöst, das ist de Kunst, en dat is wirklich gelungen”.

If you say that there is no ‘irgendeine Fassade zu akzeptieren’, I would like to thank him for Schlussakt Franz Graf, als Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter der Hotelrichtungs-Gesellschaft das Project vorangetrieben hatte. 20 years after Leyrer + Graf took over the legal management once again, the founding of the Sole-Felsen-Bades won by the Gmünder Baumeister was a “herfolgreiche Entwicklung” recapitular, which is now a capital richer.

Komplett runderneuertes Hotel. In 2010, when the 3-Stern-Hotel was founded, four Sterns were lifted and a new “Upgrade” started. Der Wintergarten offers a restaurant, lobby, bar, reception, meeting and seminar room where the room offers a high level of new functions. The blue-orange Hülle on the first day had no choice but to do so, but it was bright, the guest had great nachfragten: Balcony.

In June 2022, Marcus Steinhart as an investor has been given an opportunity to implement a modernization, while Franz Graf is now on the run. Danach is in a phase of turbulent preparations for a “special project with special start-up” when the project is implemented and will be realized in March 2024.

for Umgestaltung

Das Sole-Felsen-Hotel voor de Umgestaltung.

Markus Lohninger

The hotel was constructed with 50 tons of structural construction. While Holzlamellen is assembling, Krümmungen move through the horizontal and vertical Ausbuchtungen hohe Ansprüche and the Graf-Holztechnik team.

Architect: “Change to maximum benefits.” The Holzanteil field at the end of the day is lighter in the first plans. Warum?

The reduction of the Herantasten and the Kostenziel has become severe, with Architekt Johannes Baar-Baarenfels being one. It is a fact that the visual image has become clearer and more dynamic with the Schritt. The dark gray construction is now a strong and unterstreiche ‘the beauty of the wood and the woodwork. A great change has been spoken – and this change is the maximum possible.”

Vertrauen als Grundlage. Baumeister Graf thanked all project partners, who found the architects of all projects Georg Köck von Leyrer + Graf hervorhob. A “strong Unterstützern in the background” thanks there – Bernhard Strohmeier as Geschäftsführer of Betriebsführungs-Gesellschaft, the Rezeptionistinnen for the transparent Communication of Beeinträchtigungen by the Baustelle in laufenden Hotelbetrieb, Manuela Wally for the standard View on the Finanzen des 3 million euro projects.

Vertrauen sei die Basis für das Project gewesen, ie Franz Graf. Vertrauen in de Konsulenten, de ausführenden Firmen – und de Vision des Architekten.

Buchungslage überm Schnitt. On roads or proud of the new option – the Buchungslage in Sole-Felsen-Hotel clatters with the Fertigstellung jedenfalls in airy Höhen.

Geschäftsführer Strohmeier spoke of an 86-percent Auslastung in October, after 79 Prozent in October 2023. In November, the Hotel stopped demnach jetzt schon bei 88 Prozent Auslastung, “die Tendenz geht in Richtung 91 to 92 Prozent”. – The 14 new balconies exploded like a huge recrystallization, much like Bernhard Strohmeier, “the Zimmer mit Balkon became bigger and bigger than the first fragment, even in the herbs”.

Sole-Felsen-Welt: Bisher major investment projects to start

Baustellen ab 4. März

New Relax in der Sole Felsen Welt


Major project ablated


Sole-Felsen-Welt will remain on the Welle for another year

Thermencheck award