
Hotel guests check with a Carinthian company ein

Hotel guests check with a Carinthian company ein

You just have to use the name “Check InGo” and it is a new hotel vending machine. Das Besondere: Entwickelt, gefertigt and vertrieben wird er von Karnten aus. “We are willing to use automated machines so that our systems cannot be improved,” says Siegfried Arztmann, Geschäftsführer of a computer. Two years in the making of the experience in the Spittal during the Market Reife.

Self-check-in “InGo” in more than 20 hotel lobbies

Mittlerweile is “InGo”, the Urgestein Ingo Premitzer company is available in more than 20 hotel lobbies in Carinthia, Salzburg, Upper Austria or Bavaria. “If the Mitbewerbern in Austria have a single company in Carinthia, a complete solution will thus die. There is software available that has a house in it and can handle its services and wars,” said Arztmann.

Self check-in in the hobene hotel industry

The start of 1989 is the supplier of system technology, IT, server and cash solutions with further support in Villach and Wiener Neudorf for 50 employees. Now it is the marketing of the functional self-check-in machines, which enables automatic check-in automation, direct debit or scanning of travel documents.

Arztmann: “If the guest is present, there can be a direct conversation with the guest, if my own smartphone is present, the images of the guest can be seen.” With these sales arguments, the team is welcome at the Fachmesse “Everything for the Guest” in Salzburg vertreten.

Ziel the translation into the German language, if the whole story is spread. “Unterstützend is also 5-star-bereich Einzug halten, etwa zur Rückgabe der Zimmerkarte or der Abfrage der Konsumation“, ist der asut-Chef überzeugt – aufgrund des Mitarbeitermangels und um Wartezeiten zu vermeiden. Gerade laufe de Weiterentwicklung Richtung Ticket- und Parkautomaten, die sich mit Bürge-oder Gästekarten combined lassen. Before the beach pool could leave the park and the entrance to a Schritt, it was completely completed.