
„Vieles von damals were not more helpful in gear work“

„Vieles von damals were not more helpful in gear work“

“Proteste stopped Rosenkranz” and “Entsetzen nach antijüdischer Gewalt”, 9. 11.

The attack on the Jews and the Jewish Einrichtungen that now did not take place in Nahen Osten was one of the most thoughtful ideas in all of Europe. When it happened in the Tagen, during the November pogrom of 1938 in Nazi Germany, the Zeit auch Österreich was heard and more active at the Verbrechen Mitgewirkt hat, it was thought, is no Zufall.

My idea of ​​thinking about it was: Who has not really had national socialist ideas in the Köpfen der Menschen? Die, the dams are active in November, while time is long. Ihre Haltung zum Antisemitismus has had more consequences. People, who were the best, had the best of their lives, were treated like Nestbeschmutzer. After 1945, Österreich was impressed by the raids carried out by Nazi Germany, dargestellt.

Meer Regierungsmitglieder thoughts der Pogrome und der Namensmauer. The Vertreter of the FPÖ at the Gedenkveranstaltung was not willing to do anything, said that it was bad, but it was not possible to achieve this.
Franz Reithofer, Mortantsch

Europe abdicates itself

Liberal, free, democratic Europe abolishes itself and politics in the EU is a standard, man can do no more than what is set by the way. In Amsterdam, Fans vom Maccabi Tel Aviv were lost, in Berlin Clans das Sagen who fell in Städten in the EU. Anti-Semitism is a bitter phenomenon, Jewish persecutions were found in the city, demonstrations became increasingly larger. It is my opinion about the following uncontrollable einwanderungspolitik (helfen ohne hirn). Keine Partei in der EU has set up a mandate for the Geneva Flight Convention, and it will also be the case that everything is in Scherben. It’s a Grund for me, it’s no longer the case that I no longer have a single party that is no longer the same.
Herbert Illmeier, Graz

Who directs here?

Nationalratspräsident Walter Rosenkranz (FPÖ) is one of the Jewish demonstrators who wants to be bothered with a Kranz while thinking on the Judenplatz in Wien der Novemberpogrome zu commemorate. Auch the police refuses itself, ihm Zugang zu offer! What do you want? A Speaker of Parliament, who has held the most positions in our democracy in the world, is great progress! It is unusual, but some parties are afraid, it is gewählt! War hat eigentlich im Staat das Sagen? Are the democratic parties and any of the Speakers of Parliament elected by the parliaments or various NGOs, associations and interest groups? If all goes well, the problems will no longer be so great and democracy will be outdated!
Manfred Waldner, Fulpmes

Unterschiedliches Maß

„Wer Nazis ehrt, dessen Wort ist nichts wert.“ With that spruch and with a people’s donation in front of the Holocaust mahnmahl on the Judenplatz in Vienna, where the National Council President Rosenkranz and the Kranzniederlegung zum Gedenk and the November Pogrome des Jahres 1938 hindered. Weitere dem Nationalratspräsidenten vorgeworfen, NS-Verbrecher als Leistungsträger in Österreich bezeichnet zu haben. Rosenkranz said that he was concerned about his actions: “I am bothered by my actions.” “I am happy with my actions.” “They are my policy.” That is the only characteristic story for a free politician. Ich frage mich Folgendes: Were the tatsachliche despisers of people and real policy idiosyncrasies Worte (senile Mumie, Inschikpartie, Fahndungslisten, …) and Herbert Kickl? Liebeserklärungen!!? Were the crazy angry Israeli fußball fans in the Netherlands? Normal Fußballfankultur!!?
Arnold Praschl, Ilz

Offizielle Handlung

It is difficult for me to be a leader, that man is a politician who Walter Rosenkranz is a member of the National Council of Presidents, and that I am proud of myself: Who can do that, that is a man in the state of a group of activists on the way to an official handlung the police would not even block an Ohrwaschel are? Was kommt als Nächstes? Allmählich kommen mir Zweifel am Rechtsstaat …
Eleonore Bergmann, Graz