
700 Jahre Schiferstift Eferding: Sozialhilfe for the Seelenheil

700 Jahre Schiferstift Eferding: Sozialhilfe for the Seelenheil

Visually, the Baroque Bau is the same as the Spitalskirche is constructed when a man from the Linzer page enters the Zentrum fährt. In the case of Beachtung it’s a piece of cake. The Stehen das Schloss, the large Stadtpfarrkirche and the Stadtplatz in the Vordergrund. It is the only “Schifersche Erbstift” that is used as the Main Church in its highest form, and which will be continued a year after the city reclamation of Eferding. A war that arises from the form of the Armen-, Alten- and Krankenversorgung, also known as the Sozialpolitik, is long before the öffentliche Hand darum kümmerte. 2025 years since the Gründung zum 700. Mal.

Die Motive für solch große Stiftungen wohlhabender Menschen were religiöser Natur. If the religion of the world is inspired by the theory of a great role, by the quality of sinful man after the greatest part of it. Gute Taten, you are bigger, the more, you can explore time, so the von Rom will no longer go to your own country.

Rudolf I. Schifer, a conscript of the Schaunberger (Vorgänger der Starhemberger), who founded a person in the Erinnerung zu Bleiben, is on the Heutigen Platz the Anstalt für Hilfsbedürftige 1325, four years before his Tod. Zwölf Menschen can be concerned with the deterioration of expenses and become another care provider, four other Betten stand for reisende Kleriker or Studenten zur Verfügung. Das Haus galt als reiche Stiftung, weil est de Erträgen der Schifergüter nor über other Stiftermittel versügte.

The Stift is a match for the evangelical times and offers the Lutheran solche Wohltaten as part of the Ablasshandels possibilities that are the Lehre vom Fegefeuer. Died under Joseph II. The geschlossene Spitalskirche, newly founded after the fire of 1762 in Barockstil, was a private purchase, then came to a new place and the city, it was in the town of the Pfarre-kind and wedder zum Gotteshaus wurde. The Stift itself founded the Spital, which operates as a Gästehaus after the treatment of the Wortes Hospital. Später war is a timeless tatsächlich an Art Kleinspital with Krankentrakt and Infektionsabteilung. In Kriegszeiten, the House served as a Lazarett, then for social living. Since 2004 it has been reserved and private for Betreutes Wohnen. The Spitalskirche will be closed in 2025 due to urgent renovation.

Historical Calendar

Zum Jubiläumsjahr ist in Eferdinger Geschäften a calendar with active and historical photos that are available, for the two city archives Peter M. Vogl and Roland Forster the information and Hans Aumayr from the Topothek Eferding images are loved. Vogl hat seine Doctorarbeit als Historiker zu den Eferdinger Stiftungen geschrieben. Von Architekt Forster dates a Baugeschichte from Eferdinger Bürgerhäuser.

Josef Achleitner

Josef Achleitner


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