
Basketball-Euroleague – Vor Duell mit Bayern: Alba will compete in the competition – Sport

Basketball-Euroleague – Vor Duell mit Bayern: Alba will compete in the competition – Sport

Berlin (dpa) – So hat man Israel González in Berlin was not yet born. While the Euroleague-Sieg takes over Armani Mailand’s Starensemble from the critical Alba-Coach with an Irrvisch and the Seitenlinie here. So sad is his Rumpf team with two Erfolg in the premier class of European Basketballs.

“I am a stolz: stolz with my player and energy, commitment and will, it is his life,” said the Spanier, the active current in the main town. Denn Alba stepped into the Krise.

Alba in der Krise

In the Bundesliga, the Berliner has now won a match three times, in the Euroleague he is soon being played traditionally at the Tablenkeller party. And then there will be a Diesem Donnerstag (8:30 PM/Magentasport) or the German Duell is as grim as FC Bayern Basketball.

When Alba is active, she sweats quickly. The biggest problem is your own problem. Before all the staff have the Berlin riesige Sorgen, Mailand González has to watch eight exciting feature films. Martin Hermannsson, Will McDowell-White, Louis Olinde, Matt Thomas, Justin Bean, Yanni Wetzell, Malte Delow and Khalifa Koumadje – they stand alone in Alba without interpretation.

Nachwuchspieler jumping one

Dass in Dorian Grosber on an 18-year change in Luxembourg, from normal for Lok Bernau in the third-class Pro B game, in the Start Five position, said everything about Berliner’s personal situation. “If you say something, no one has a problem with you. Everything was possible, it was completely finished,” said National Player Jonas Mattisseck.

And that is the Berliner and experienced such an emotional Abend in the Uber Arena am Ostbahnhof. Ein Abend, der die Wende zum Geten eennläuten könnte? It is possible to solve problems.

Frame not weighted

Der Kader will be one of the few cases that have not been weighed together, the Abgänge of Sterling Brown and Weltmeister Johannes Thiemann have not received appropriate compensation. “We can’t be leaders without all our major challenges,” said sports director Himar Ojeda about the start of the season.

So Alba zum Beispiel is interested in Center Tibor Pleiß, the first of the new Bundestrainer Álex Mumbrú after an eight-year break to be used in the national team. However, we prefer to visit Pallacanestro Trapani in Italy.

Finanziell kan Alba International einfach nicht more mithalten. While the Club fell, the money fell in the youth game and the Frauen-Basketbal-steckt. For others, the Hallen problem has not been solved for years. The Miete for the Anschutz Entertainment Group is charged by the Uber Arena in the Vergleich of most other international Top-Vereinen and schon überschaubaren Etat in erheblicher Weise.

Hilft geistlicher Beistand?

And so they were organizing a composite season in the Hauptstadt, while most of the Verletzungen zätzlich erschwert. „We are always a part of our strong team. No training with everything,” said England captain Martin Hermannsson. “There is a final ein Fluch. Vielleicht sollten we all will be happy in the church.”

Given the country, it is also important to be able to survive during the Siege. They swim in the series, so they will be able to compete in the Bundesliga in Ulm. “We will be able to carry the wind and everything in the field,” said Alba-Geschäftsführer Marco Baldi. The day the coup took place, Mailand became aber the Kraft for the grim Bavarian Empire, is zweifelhaft.

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