
Fußball-Nationalmannschaft – Kimmich warning for Katar-Effekt für WM 2034 – Sport

Fußball-Nationalmannschaft – Kimmich warning for Katar-Effekt für WM 2034 – Sport

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – After two years of disaster WM-Aus in Qatar complains about Joshua Kimmich and the future of the Fußball-Nationalmannschaft on an abseits des Platzes and warns about Parallels for the Turnier in Saudi Arabia 2034. “Generell glaube ich , that’s what we like to play for Things and Werte einstehen sollten. On other pages there is not our Job, a political party that works with the Fachman in the country and in the work,” said the Kapitän der DFB-Elf.

In Qatar, as a Mannschaft, as a DFB and as a Country, the man has “kein goodes Bild abgegeben”, konstatierte der 29-Jährige vom FC Bayern Munich. The German war often began to debate the political and social situation in the host country. Katar sportlich früh scheitert en in der Vorrunde ausgeschieden.

“If the damage has been done, we will have to deal with further politics,” said Kimmich. Man has taken the Spielern die „Freude am Turnier“. If the Querelen are a DFB team, it is a “revorragende Turnier wish”, which has been working in the Nations League against Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ungarn in recent years.

FIFA for WM-Vergabe responsible

I published WM 2034’s FIFA in December. One of the candidates and the Australian designers is the gesellschaftspolitik hochumstRITen Saudi Arabia. “It is FIFA that has a Catalog on site, the man who is eaten,” said Kimmich. There are many things that play the game, but it is a matter of years on the sports interest that can be played.

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