
K+S cuts roads higher Krankenstandde das Gewinnziel | 14.11.24

K+S cuts roads higher Krankenstandde das Gewinnziel | 14.11.24

DOW JONES–Wegen krankheitsbedingter Engpässe in der Düngemittelproductie schraubt K+S die Prognose voor de operative Gewinn in laufenden Geschäftsjahr zurück. Erwartet has achieved an EBITDA of approximately 540 million euros, while the company in Kassel is in the middle. Damit lies with her amends of the bisherigen Zielspanne from 530 to 620 Millionen Euro. Analysts have investigated a Vara consensual with 550 million euros.

Ursächlich für die Senkung ist, dass K+S 2024 maximum purchase of 7.6 Millionen Tonnen Dünger (ohne Handelsware) erwartet, rund 100 Millionen Tonnen weniger as bisher. If it is no longer on the market, says Vorstandschef Burkhard Lohr. “The Market Sees.” Grund seien veldmehr Produktionsengpässe. Auch K+S is affected by overload of the crank positions. One of the main thoughts is that K+S’s free cash flow stops investing to the extent of a party of 550 million euros, such as Lohr.

While Quartal has a large debt burden, the installation of K+S is an EBITDA from 66 million euros to 72 million in the past. Ursächlich were lower prices for kalihaltigen Products in both Product segments, which little lower Absatzmengen. Der Umsatz went from 881 million to 866 million euros zurück. The employee Zahlen works when he is at the market. K+S has won a net amount of 44 million euros. I am worth less than 24 million euros.

Die in the 1990s non-calibrating tax on the inconvenience of Düngemittelherstellern weltweit. In Belarus, the state-owned repairer of Belarus is responsible for a process of production, but the progress is not auskömmlich. K+S chef Lohr knows how he, the Angebot and the Nachfrage derzeit should be active in a balanced preparation method and the Nachfrage. It just so happens that it’s still a few years away, so that’s the way it is.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 14, 2024 01:12 ET (06:12 GMT)