
Kunstecke Die Vorboten der 10. Luxembourg art week

Kunstecke Die Vorboten der 10. Luxembourg art week

Art is supreme. So man could write about the current situation in Luxembourg City. The tradition of the “Salon” of the CAL does not exist bis Sonntag statt. Das Projekt “Capsule” is recorded in various forms and bodies during the Stage and the “Art Walk” – Images in the open window – sorts out preparations for Stimmung in the Vorfeld der Jubiläumsausgabe of the Luxembourg Art Week (LAW), which is held on the Glacis from November 22 to 24 at the Bühne geht.

It is worth following the Luxembourg Art Week before a year-long collaboration with the kunstvereinigung CAL, so that the first partner of the collaboration can develop. The LAW would have postponed the termingemäß, but the CAL would stop a seiner Ausstellung in the first November weeks at the ‘Tramsschapp’ festival, which will be one of the laurel wreaths and the Gewohnheiten seines treuen Publikums anzupassen.
The change in law has become a fact for the anniversary sauce. What is the best thing that the Expo-Zeltes exhibition on the Glacis in Partnership with Galleries and Art Centers delivers, to create a public audience and to awaken the interest and time of art.

“Capsule” and “Art Walk”

New is the “Capsule” project with interventions and different types, including in the world that dies with the soul, the city and its time in an art center of wandering. We have lived together since Che go Eun with “Cookie Migi”, Iris Helena Hamers with “Solarium”, Hanna Antonsson with “Auto Wings” as well as Viki Berg with “Monster Garden” and Monty Richthofen with “Full Mouths/Empty Words” . In this initiative, the challenge is to show identity, memory and humanity in the technology in art that is beautiful.

Der letztes Jahr with great Erfolg durchgeführte “Art Walk”, with works with a solitary art and parts an unusual local orientation, gestaltet sich heute discrete, based on these small works of art, which were presented in the main city be a sin.

Kunst een unwohnten Orten: Die Künstlerin Léa de Cacqueray ist mit
Art and work: Die Künstlerin Léa de Cacqueray is with “De Fatum” Part of the Projects “Capsule” Photo: Sophie Margue

Wurde im Kulturjahr in Esch/Alzette has offered international arts to Luxembourg art enthusiasts on the sculpture road through the Minett-Metropole Gesetzt, so that the organizers are those small mithilfe of one of the LAW-chiselled Galleries on nichtheimische Schöpfer gesetzt. Interestingly, among the materials made from Stahl, bronze from plastic to the Marmor/Stein realm, it is not worth making the statue’s statues. The postponed motifs move in abstract images in such a way that they also orient or orient in images when they are functional functions.

The Skulpturenweg leads from the viewpoints in the city center to one of the only known places, including in front of the Main Square of the Sparkasse, where three objects – unstructured objects – themselves stop the Waage and compete with the monumental ausgelegten Christbaumkugeln. Let’s face it during the past years.

“Untitled” by Esther Stocker Photo: Sophie Margue

Carlos Alberts “Compass”, Max Coulons “Sculpture of a Square I”, Guillaume Castels “Dulse”, Studio Biskts “Balik Arches”, Fabien Mérelles “Strange Tree”, Laura Pasquinos “Temple”, Stefan Rincks “It-Owl”, Nicolas Schneider’s “Instant de paysage”, Marion Verboom’s “Tectonies” and Esther Stocker’s “Untitled” justify an uninterested theme on an interesting topic in the active world of sculpture. Art-interested people who work in Passanten will find some of those works on their way, but for a single moment in time, the work will be challenged and their work will continue, while not all outstanding locations are ideal for such art works.

Künstler, Galeries en Debates

The LAW presents itself in the German Zeltstadt at the Glacis international and national Galerien (quickly all heimische Galerien since mit von der Partie) so that the Galerie and the Künstlervereinigungen in the beach of Zahl have a great diversity of art markets, which are also an insider of the Have an art market, which is an anghende Sammler or one of our art interesting things.

Neu ist in diesem Jahr die Beteiligung der „Association Internationale des critiques d’art“ (AICA Luxembourg) with a Rundtischgespräch zum Thema „Où va la critique d’art aujourd’hui?’ with Claudia Passeri, Clément Minighetti and Karolina Markiewicz), dies on November 21 at 4 p.m. in the “Art Talk Area”. In Freitag, dem 22. November, um 13 Uhr fragt sich Klaus Speidel “What Artificial Intelligence do to art: a cartography” and in Samstag, dem 23. November, Corinne Vionnet and Lucas LaRochelle take a look at the Zukunft and our theme ” Artists, data and digital image platforms in the information age”. All translations were found in gleichen Ort statt.

Who in the years has a number of sponsors of his own services with employers and the company representatives, can find a diegene Rahmen program as a targeted introduction, a way to strengthen the way during the Messe-Couloirs in the hole. After the official notification was made, the law began publication on Friday, November 22. Tickets can be purchased in Vorfeld via

“Temple” by Laura Pasquino
“Temple” by Laura Pasquino Photo: Sophie Margue