
AI Governance and more advanced GenAI integration

AI Governance and more advanced GenAI integration

ServiceNow can deliver more than 150 generative AI (GenAI) innovations and autonomous, responsible AI on the Now Platform.

More transparency and control for a good and regular arrangement of KI-Anwendungen bieten die erweiterten Now Assist Governance-Losungen. Then you have the native Unterstützung morehrerer Sprachen in Now Assist for the global Verfügbarkeit of GenAI for a nahtlose and on the jewelry market placed communication and Übersetzung. Schließlich ermöglichen dedizierte Lösungen new Anwendungsfälle für die Bereiche Vertragsmanagement sowie Gesundheit and Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz.

ServiceNow offers a great combination of a platform with integrated data flash and an optimized AI platform with a continuous overview of operation, reach and security. The only architecture of the Now platform is strong governance in the Now Assist GenAI organization, models and agents developed, which should happen in an organization.

Supporting the possibilities of integrated AI Governance

Teams working with AI, often with isolated Tools and Systems facing each other, were Transparenz and KI-Governance erschwert. This is the integration complex approach and the use of a first classroom workflow platform, which has become a success. With an AI file model, the strategy, the technology, the security and the compliance are connected and functions as a control tower, so that an AI Governance victory for Now Assist supports the Grundlage of ServiceNow, one of the options you can offer to do business, investigate and assess geschäftliche Transformation zu beschleunigen.

More new functions for responsible handling of AI:

  • Assist Guardian now It is an integrated way to achieve complete changes in direction, but you can better check the GenAI-Nutzung on the Now Platform – how you can use the Verwaltung und Beseitigung van unangemessenen Inhalten, Sicherheitsschwachstellen und die Offenlegung sensible information.
  • Now Assist Data Kit erleichtert de Datenverwaltung en -nutzung für KI-Anwendungsfälle. Daneben can collect Nutzer Ground-Truth data on the gnawing and the history of Ergebnissen that map the Wirksamkeit, with the Now Assist Skills Kit that has been developed, will soon be supported.
  • Assist Analytics Now can help some of the implementation, nutzung and leistungsfähigkeit of Now Assist im gesamten Unternehmen. So if you can get financing, you will be able to make investments, a GenAI-inführung foranzutreiben, the ROI of investment investments and better Geschäftsergebnisse zurezielen.

Ausbau from GenAI on world player Ebene

Help now with the refinement with the new version of a native support for more Sprachen, an application on the global market. The instructions can be displayed in multiple languages ​​such as English, French, German, etc. Generate, merge and reply. We repeat that dynamic translations are performed, which are automatically converted and then an answer in the translation of the Benutzers zurückübersetzt.


Assessment of production with significant losses

ServiceNow has released the Xanadu release, as the AI ​​Innovation of the products resold by Unternehmens offers a new solution for the Now Assist solution:

  • Assist Now for Configuration Management Database (CMDB) nutzt KI, um de Verwaltung und de Verstandnis van Daten für Kunden zu erleichttern. Lately, a cleanup and generation of CMDB, will eliminate duplicate data, process complex information and rationalize the data. Now Assist for CMDB allows you to build configuration items (CIs) and perform associated analysis. Now for CMDB, help design Service Graph Connectors, a set of data in the CMDB that is imported and frictionless while these processes are running.
  • Now assisting with legal services If you want to apply for legal aid in the future, you can provide a fast service, which involves the direct debit of a fee and legal aid.
  • Now assisting with contract management Vereinfacht de Bearbeitung van Verträgen and reduced risks, GenAI automatically reimburses non-standardized forms and fehlende Klauseln in Verträgen, with zB Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen (NDAs), identified. Make sure that the General Manager keeps processing errors to a minimum and ensures that the relevant reports have been followed up, including metadata and reports have been extracted.
  • Now assist for health and safety Choosing a secure arbitration right will indemnify company management in those cases where power is exercised and reduce redundant corporate and personal life insurance protection.
