
Rutte demands more Hilfe for Ukraine • news • onvista

Rutte demands more Hilfe for Ukraine • news • onvista

ADAZI (dpa-AFX) – NATO General Mark Rutte has helped the Bundesmitglieder and other Western partners on a mission in Latvia to provide more support to Russian forces in Ukraine. “(Kreml chief Wladimir) Putin has established winter as Waffe. There has been a reconciliation with Ukraine’s energy system,” he said after a meeting with Latvian State President Edgars Rinkevics at the Adazi military. “Deshalb would have received all the information about the Ukrainian development, an air delay through Schutz’s critical infrastructure.”

An own Verteidigungsfähigkeit zu stärken, seien züdem more Verteidigungsausgaben and a higher Rüstungsproduction in joint Bundnis notnauwen, says Rutte. Auch Rinkevics appeals to the NATO Partner, more for the Verteidigung auszugeben, and speaks specifically for a Wert of 2.5 or 3 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsproduktes (BIP) aus. The official NATO soul for military service lies with 2 Prozent.

Rutte and Rinkevics have been hired in Adazi and Manover by the Latvia-based multinational NATO Brigade, who are first training in fuller Stärke sister arms. One of the Übung “Resolute Warrior” takes 3,500 soldiers from 13 NATO states. Latvia borders Eastern Russia and the neighboring countries of Belarus./awe/DP/ngu