
Singing: Akustikplatten für Spielraum des Kindergartens

Singing: Akustikplatten für Spielraum des Kindergartens

Singing (pm/wex) Round Table 119 Singing hat in Zusammenarbeit with the Initiative „Die Glückbringer“ das Kinderheim St. Peter und Paul unterstützt. Grateful that I spent money on the play and education center of the kindergartens with the acoustic plates used, which happened in a press conference of the round table conference.

The war in the kindergarten toys was so long ago that the children as their personal were a herausforderungdarstellte. A German atmosphere could be created during the installation of the acoustic panels. “Children’s play is playing an unhindered game, or it is the Lärmpegel that is so high. Auch das Personal fühlt sich in de neuer Omgebung veld Wohler“, while the Heimleitung is seated.

The Service Club Ronde Tafel 119 Zingen and “Die Glückbringer” continuously use their own resources for the improvement of quality of life in the region. The next implementation of the projects in Kinderheim St. Peter and Paul is a follow-up to the involvement in the Round Table 119. Singing and the initiative „Die Glückbringer“. The action is so large that local social projects can make a positive contribution to its development. Both organizations can look forward to a number of other projects that can further develop the Wohl der Gemeinschaft, also in the future.