
Lots of optimism and not a single Bobfahrer

Lots of optimism and not a single Bobfahrer

Discover the treasures of the Bobfahrer: Olympian Christopher Grotheer and the German Skeleton Team started their unbridled brand partnership during the WM years. “I find it really cool, it’s a good time to run,” said Bundestrainer Christian Baude at a BSD press conference before the start of the season: “That was great for us and for our own sportsmen. öfter in the Genuss bowls.”

Normally the skeletons travel from Eiskanal to Eiskanal with the bobfahrern, but the larger schlitten start as early as December 1 in Altenberg. The Skeleton-World Cups find more normal Donnerstags and Freitags-statt, the Wochenende is heard than the Bob-Piloten.

Now everything is different when it comes to sailing in Fernost. On the South Korean Olympiabahn from Pyeongchang, the women arrive at Samstag at 8 a.m. (MEZ) in the Eisrinne, at 12 noon after the men. Am Sonntag wiederholt sich das Prozedere. A woman who has found the season of the seasons in Beijing is in the Altenberg with the collaboration between both sporting arts.

“They come with a lot of railways, which are good for us. Pyeongchang and Beijing are still good for us”, prophecy Baude: “And then the Home World Cups in Altenberg and Winterberg. I am very confident.”

Ebenfalls positive about Grotheer auf den Saisonbeginn: “I am happy in form. I had a good experience, a good experience and a good experience in September”, said the 32-year-old, who has become a war in the past Saison Zweiter in Gesamtweltcup: ” The fact is that in autumn you feel good and happy See you later on those last nights running.”

When it comes to Saisonhöhepunkt, de Weltmeisterschaften in Lake Placid/USA Anfang März, neither vergeht nor fell Zeit, den nor sind die Titelkämpfe bereits ein Thema. “That WM continues for years in the autumn, while we find the Bahn eigentlich,” said Baude with Blick at the big event.

That in Lake Placid in the autumn of the season’s greeting from the sea in the combined world cup lost and the mittlerweile zurückgetretene Tina Hermann Rang three reborn hatte, is for the German Team with a small Extramotivation.