
Wiener Stadtwerke: Gerald Stöckl as Geschäftsführer at WienIT

Wiener Stadtwerke: Gerald Stöckl as Geschäftsführer at WienIT

Vienna (OTS) –

With Gerald Stöckl (38) at WienIT, internal IT & Business Partner at the Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe, a new Geschäftsführer worked at Eva Christina Schwarzl (48) in January 2025. The great Geschäftsführer of the own ‘Start-ups’ of Wiener Linien and Wiener Stadtwerken, der Upstream – next level Mobility GmbH, has worked as an intern in the Konzern. Stöckl konnte sich im Hearing clearly durchsetzen, wie Monika Unterholzner unterstreicht: „Gerald Stöckl, who is involved with Upstream tutors, can have a positive IT department that can provide a collaboration and a partner organization.

Laut Unterholzner combines Stöckl IT-Fachexpertise, Erfahrung im Führen eines IT-Servicestleisters, Kund*innenorientatie en Empathy. It is mache in its ideal development for “large projects, which will upset a strong Geschäftsführungsduo in der WienIT in the coming years”.

Stöckl since July 2021 Geschäftsführer von Upstream Mobility, we are responsible for 100 employees. Since 2016, he has been head of the Sales and Delivery department. The problems of Upstream Mobility were not addressed in Wien (“WienMobil”), but also in other European major cities. I studied in Salzburg at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, at the TU Wien and at the Diplomatic Academy Wien. Before Gerald Stöckl entered the upstream mobility war in the discussion about IT projects in the energy sector. Der Familienvater treibt in seiner Freizeit ausgiebig Sport, vom Radfahren bis zum Bergsteigen.

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Over the Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe

The Wiener Stadtwerke is the best infrastructure service provider in Großraum Wien. As a economic engine, Austria’s largest public infrastructure service leader with around 17,000 employees is a leading Kraft for the Wirtschaftsstandort Wien. Zum Konzern heard Wien Energie, Wiener Netze, Wiener Linien, Wiener Lokalbahnen, Wipark, immOH!, WienIT as well as Bestattung Wien and Friedhöfe Wien.