
Löwen Frankfurt with 6:2 Heimsieg against Iserlohn

Löwen Frankfurt with 6:2 Heimsieg against Iserlohn

The Löwen Frankfurt offers a 6:2-Heimsieg against the Iserlohn Hanen. The people of Frankfurt enjoyed a special celebration during the Länderspielpause.

The low notes last throughout the party, playing at 3:0 after 6 minutes. The Frankfurters won the match against the Tables from Iserlohn with 6:2.

Frühe Führung

While Tore von Proft, Matushkin and Rowney de Löwen entered the Führung. In the 18th minute, Chris Wilkie was able to move up to 4:0. During the second period of the guest’s stay it is not low by far.

Dem press wider positions

The guesthouse from Iserlohn is located low after the Anschlusstreffern below Druck. Torwart Jussi Olkinuora knows himself as a sicher Rückhalt für die Frankfurter. Chris Wilkie played in the 48. Minutes of play with the goal of 6:2 for the final score and a yellow standard for the American-American.

Top duel in the League

After the celebrated “Re-Start” you will find the Löwen am Sonntag at the amtierenden Meister Eisbären Berlin, on November 22 Adler Mannheim will go to Derby in the secret Eissporthalle empfangen.