
Trump nominates Impfkritiker Kennedy as Secretary of Health

Trump nominates Impfkritiker Kennedy as Secretary of Health


Buchdienst, Catalog, Weihnachten

WASHINGTON DC US President Donald Trump has appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appointed to his cabinet as Minister of Finance. Kennedy, a prominent Impfgegner and Umweltanwalt, stellte in der Vergangenheit wiederholt de Sicherheit von Impfstoffen in Frage en äußerte sich critical gegenüber statlichen Gesundheitsbehörden.

Kennedy was assured that “all people were protected from chemicals, chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs,” Trump said. These are intended for “beigetragen überwältigenden Gesundheitskrise in diesem Land”.

Republikaner won President and Congress

Trump will be officially appointed on January 20, 2025 at 47. President of the United States will be announced. There are 312 of 538 Wahlute and übertraf damit die foutorderlichen 270 Stimmen deutlich. Trump has reached all the Swing States, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and North Carolina. These activities are traditionally carried out by the Federal State Forces to protect their Wahlsieg.

In the United States, ministers were appointed chairman and appointed by the Senate. I have a new Congress that will give the Republikaner the Mehrheit in both Chambers. The representative house positions itself 221 Abgeordnete, the Democrats 214. The Senate verügen the Republikaner über 53 Sitze, während the Democrats 47 Mandate ends. Admire the Republikaner Parteidisziplin, Trump’s only minister – against Kennedy – all the best comments.

Obama wants Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. completed his studies at the London School of Economics and received his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia Law School. Anschließend is a Master-Abschluß in Umweltrecht at Pace University School of Law.

In the political signaler Laufbahn war Kennedy as Umweltanwalt-tätig. There is a support from the Waterkeeper Alliance, an organization that is committed to water purification. It’s not one of the new things put into action by President Barack Obama in 2008 as leader of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Kennedy is the highest critic of government

Kennedy is intended for his criticism and influence on public interests. If the security of substances gets into trouble and is worn, it is with autism in the Connection stehen könnten. The criticism of the Covid-19 pandemic is that government leaders are shying away from civil rights.

The Catholic Catholic is one of the most important examples of the thematic analysis: “Jeder Schwangerschaftsabbruch is a tragedy. Find out the underlying problem in a woman who has suffered a trauma. If you think about it, letztlich traue ich der Regierung nicht zu, über den Körper der Menschen zu bestimmen.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., born 1954, is the son of judicial ministers Robert F. Kennedy and the honorable President John F. Kennedy. (sv)