
Sterneküche: “Korean and Scandinavian parts have a love for intensive Geschmack”

Sterneküche: “Korean and Scandinavian parts have a love for intensive Geschmack”

I am “Koan” in Copenhagen, Kristian Baumann is the Nordic cuisine in a Korean Einflüsse meeting – two worlds, which are very good. This symbiosis originated in the probable biography of the kitchen chefs.

The characteristic feature of the restaurant is spectacular: It is housed in a unique Lagerhaus, a hint of the Copenhagen Zitadelle and for all directly at Langleinen-Kai, also am Meeresufer. Because a man also has courts in the kind of a picturesque Ausblicks zu kommen – on the Hafenanlagen, the Inseln in Östersund and those one- and auslaufenden Boote and Schiffe. If it is vermutlich that it is a Zeichen der Zeit, then it is true that the man no longer looks in the direction of the kitchen and the kitchen.

When a man with his elegantly stylized interiors and a blue-and-white brigade takes charge of the kitchen chef Kristian Baumann, he speaks of one of the following guidelines – much, much appreciation for a team of surgeons. Baumann himself is a schlanker of Mittvierziger with older Haltung, makelloser Schürze, dunklem Haar and ostasitische Gesichtszügen. A child was born in Korea, a grandchild was adopted and taken up in Denmark.

You can contact the Korean Küche. “We found small children with our own history and with their Korean-Dutch encounters, including other adopted children and learning about Korean culture,” said Baumann. After Lehrjahren in Frankreich is in Copenhagen zurück, wo there bei Größen der New Nordic Küche work, darunter Christian Puglisi in “Relae” and René Redzepi in “Noma”, before he has power himself with his first local, embarrassing “108” . This castle is from the pandemic, a year later in 2023 the “Koan” will be ready.

In the Laufe seiner Karriere hat Baumann sich zunehmend in de Traditionen, de Aromen und de Ästhetik des Landes seiner Ahnen vertieft – was sich non in seiner Küche, in Anrichten der Speisen und in der Inneneinrichtung des “Koan” widespiegelt, aber auch in Namen des Lokals , a concept from the tradition of Zen Buddhism, an art paradox or inner Widerspruch steht. “Over the years I have never traveled to Korea,” it says. „Dort hatte ich das Gefühl, nach Hause zu kommen. Schließlich has made my journey, the fact is that I have had a full life, so I can consider it as a private person.

The joy that is this self-discovery is a symbiosis with the most diverse experiences, traditions and targeted messages – and Nordeuropaic devices, techniques and other solutions. “So many guests in Scandinavia as well as in Korea are always present, whoever finds it exciting, that is a pleasure to meet with strangers,” says Baumann. A tatsächlich is an Essen in the “Koan” a Erfahrung, which sich deutlich von dem abhebt, was other Fine-Dining-Restaurants zu bieten haben. Starting with the classic menu, one of the man’s few hors d’oeuvres has begun, and it was a weniger glanzvoll as snacks – that would be reifter and hauchdünn geschnittener Zander, Troellen-Rogen, Langustine, a Stückchen Hummerschwanz and Sauerklee . Everything is stimulated by the “Nordic” cuisine, which comes from exotic aromas such as shiso, sancho-pfeffer, wasabi or jujube.

Optically and conceptually, it has a Kugel from Kaviar, which has a federal core made from fresh Tofu and a glittering Korean Porcelain serving. Geschmacklich is the goal that we finally achieved, was one of the unfried Kaviar vom Zuchtstör and zum others are not from aroma-intensive Tofu-liegt. Combine the ingredients with “weißen Kimchi”, also fermented with China kohl, or use the raw Kimchi without chilli and from Baumann with Ingwer, Holunderblüten and winzigen Eisspänen. The Ergebnis is a real Geschmacks- en Erfrischungsbombe. At a location where the kitchen chef is fragen, this is not the case, but there is a fusion of Nordic and Korean cuisine, and the tradition of fermentation. “Yes, in this area there is a parallel,” answers Baumann. “The Korean National Court Kimchi is indeed the sauerkraut and others ferment Gemüsen in Europe’s Norden not unähnlich. Generell teilen Koreaner and Scandinavier a Vorliebe for the intensive Geschmack, with the Garung einhergeht.”

Zudem gilded Fermentiertes in Korea als äußerst gesund. Health insurance in the countries has never changed, the positive effect of vergorenem and milk bacteria on the health and immune system of concrete. While the Baumann-intensive civilization hat, and black and white spiritueller Ebene anlässlich a Aufenthalts in Baekyangsa-Temple at the kochenden Nonne Jeong Kwan, who brought es spatests through the Netflix Series “Chef’s Table” to a more international Bekanntheit hat. “It was a unique experience,” is the joy of the kitchen chef. “Wir cost all my Jangs, who makes the fermenting yeast pastes, put together their whole and together Wildpflanzen in the Wäldern around the Temple”. For a more interesting range of Korean dishes in Essen, consider the following temple cuisine. “I am a temple in the first line who takes the trouble to get fabrics out of the closet, we travel, gemstones and fruit on a complete platter. While it was true that in essence, the power of cooking was increased, thus reducing the diversification of the lifestyle.”

We are curious to know if the vegetables are cooked in a special way, namely the Ribeye Steak with Schmelzendem Fettrand, which is marinated in Kimchi and combined with an impressive Norwegian Langustine with freshly baked Sauerkraut. A gelungen combination of Fleisch and Krustentier, an intensive ebenso with elegant Soße from Rind- and Hummerfond sisterätzliche Spannung verleiht.

While the waiter sets out in a warm Gamasot on the Tisch, a tradition, gusseisernes Kochgefäß, that in this Fall with Reis, Fjord Shrimps, Sardellen, gerosteten Bucheckern and gerockneten Zitrusfrüchten is fulfilled. The journey is light and crisp, the shrimps are crunchy, the core is crunchy, everything is tied together by the intensive preparation of the sardels and the acidity of the fruit. A directive from the lust power, the top of the world. No matter how long it takes, the next gang from the Kingdom of the Regions of Travel is bestht, who walks into an Art Porridge with Hummer-Soße and Nori-Algen and is crowned with a hand-visited Jakobsmuschel.

Nach dem Essen is about the long distance of the Langley-kai. There is a laurel Abend in Copenhagen, where the Lichter der Boote, Häuser and Windräder, in the Östersundspiegel on the Mond, work. As long as the city is alive, there is a man festival, the Asian Restaurants in Copenhagen are popular since everyone else has large European cities. It is clear that the man is a “Koan” who lives here, a Koch to experience, his own guests with a journey to enjoy life, through Nature, the Fjorde and Wälder Scandinaviens, in the Korean Temple and in itself.