
Spending übergeben – Lions Club: 10,000 Euro for Hochwasser-Opfer

Spending übergeben – Lions Club: 10,000 Euro for Hochwasser-Opfer

Lions Club Hoorn

The Lions Club Hoornhoed spent two weeks with 10,000 Euro a Hochwasserbetroffene in Gars übergeben. Am Bild: Harald Hofmann, Jürgen Rochla, Bürgermeister Martin Falk and Andrea Hofmann (from left).

René Gigl

DThe Lions Club Horn lost its verses from September and greift Hochwasser-Opfern from the Gemeinde Gars under the Arme.

The Lions Club Horn Hat works on the high tide in September, and an unburokratic Hilfe Zugesagt and unterstützt nown the affected Haushalte in the Gemeinde Gars. Inspected since more than 50 pick-up stops were hit and tagged, further damage reports were possible. Additional costs include damages of 170,000 Euro and more.

The expenditure of 10,000 euros by the Lions Club would have been spent on the Garser expenses and an uninterrupted, impartial Gremium will be the Verteilung der Spenden after individual claims. Club chairman Jürgen Rochla: “Wir hoffen, with dieser Unterstützung the affected Garsern zu helfen.”