
Hesse: Omid Nouripour auf Grünen-Bundesparteitag in Wiesbaden: Abschied und Neuanfang

Hesse: Omid Nouripour auf Grünen-Bundesparteitag in Wiesbaden: Abschied und Neuanfang

Status: 15.11.2024 22:28 Uhr

The Christian Greens sort themselves out at the Bundesparteitag in Wiesbaden new. For the restart for the new Bundestag in February with Chancellor candidate Robert Habeck has found one of the Spitze pastures: Omid Nouripour, from the “Realo-Haudegen” from Frankfurt.

Von Sebastian Jakob and Wolfgang Türk

There were no other times, if the Greens Anfang 2022 de Frankfurter Bundestagsabgeordneten Omid Nouripour mit satten 83,6 Prozent zu einem ihrer zwei Co-Vorsitzenden wählten. And that is not yet the case, but the Bundesparteitag produces online statistics. Es war Corona pandemic.

Russia does not yet hate Ukraine, criticism in the country has never been greater. In Berlin, the Greens with SPD and FDP nor Teil were an Ampel-Koalition, with der laut ARD-DeutschlandTrend 46 Prozent der Bürger zufrieden were. And in Hesse they were neither with the CDU nor Ben Ruder.

Now it is the Ampel Kaputt, the Greens have a long Reihe von Wahlschlikken zu kauen and stehen bei gerade mal 12 Prozent in current Umfragen. So come on, thank you for joining us at the Bundesparteitag in the Wiesbadener Kongresshalle Abschiedsapplaus erhielt – a good year for the End of our own Amtszeit.

It is a round of applause for the delegation members. Nouripour, the largest group of the Eintracht-Frankfurt Fan Clubs in the Bundestag, is still not credible.

In the standing ovations you might be grateful that you were lying, but it is a neither ambitious Bundesvorstand with its back pouch clearing the way for a new power. “Der Start sind wir” is the motto of the long plant party tags. There is a set itself now as perfectly timed auf the Bundestagswahl on 23. February heraus.

It is not even a Spitze-dabei at the Neustart, that is the Vorstand a Nouripour and the second Co-Vorstende Ricarda Lang schon entschieden in September. It is not the case that the Greens in Brandenburg are going a step further in the Landtag. This is the Parteispitze now neither geschäftsführend im Amt.

“Zwischen Merz und Scholz is so unglaublich fell Platz”

Mann, the official first member of the Samstag during the Neuwahl des Vorstands, was the Freitagabend in the Hessenschau: Sein Abgang sei a “Gebot des Anstands”. Under the following comment: “I have a job that is beyond my power. We are not good at it.”

As soon as the green time in the Umfragen is one of the kanzlerschaften, the Hessian landtags of Mathias Wagner of becomes a “Riesenchance” for Habeck aus. “I visited one page Friedrich Merz and the others Olaf Scholz. Both of them are so unclear on Platz.”

Tränenreicher Abschied

There is another Tränen, I think Wagner zum Abschied Nouripours. Tears that forgive others. Ricarda Lang zum Beispiel, de neben ihrem Noch-Amtskollegen saß. She characterizes the Frankfurter as a humorous rendition of “Realo-Haudegen”.

In Wolfgang Ischinger, Nouripour hates an ausdrücklichen Laudator. “There is a walking trade union” – thus the ex-außenstaatsekretär, ex-top diplomat and the head chef of the Munich Security Conference, the außenpolitische Sprecher of the green Bundestagsfraktion.

The Lob übertrug Ischinger auf Grünen insgesamt: If you take up the fight with the Partei gewesen in the last step, then both of the Hilfe für die in his existing bedrohte Ukraine Verlass gewesen sei.

Give up sour Geschlossenheit

The Kanzlerkandidatuur Habecks, who is active in the Sonntag in Wiesbaden, said: Nouripours Rückzug aus der Parteispitze ist keinerlei Absage an den von ihm en Habeck gleichermaßen geteilten pragmatic Kurs. The Federal Minister has joined the Federal State Minister in Annalena Baerbock for the Wahl-Spitzen duo kürt.

This is the Wahl-Spitzen duo of the Grünen kürt: Vize-Kanzler Robert Habeck and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

Streit zwischen Flügeln is not geben. There is no loss if the emotional direction fragments are focused on the Tagesordnung of the three separate parts. Am Samstag etwa was a debate about anträge. It is impossible to implement a migration policy and set a pace limit on migration policy. Die Grüne Jugend will Ablehnung weiterer Verschärfungen erreichen die.

Grünen-Landesvorsitzende Kathrin Anders has pronounced the conditional release: “If it is a matter of deutlich, we will take the problems of human beings seriously and we will continue to bring the country to life.” The Hessian Greens are in the Vergaanheit häufig or kompromissbereit gezeigt als others in der Partei. Think of the fight against asylum seekers or the debate about prior dating approval.

Gegangen, um zu bleiben

If the Grünen authorization has not been carried out, siege your Meinung na de Mitgliederzahlen. The party that attracts the attention of the Regierungszeit in question can only go to the Ampel-Aus proceedings as long as 9,000 people. Derzeit sei die bisheerde Höchstmarke von 140.000 Mitgliedern erreicht.

“Wir haben den Laden zammen Contenten”, praised Nouripours Bilanz. Signal Abschied aus der Parteispitze soll kein Abschied als Spitzenpolitiker signal. On February 23, the Bundestag began in 2006.

The Landeslijst for the Bundestagswahl target the Hessian Greens on a pre-empted Parteitag in Marburg on 14 December. Then he could take another example from Hesse Prime Minister Tarek Al-Wazir at one of the better Listenplatz.