
Information for ex-consultant after Pleite von «Jensen’s Food Lab»

Information for ex-consultant after Pleite von «Jensen’s Food Lab»

Nach Pleite von «Jensen’s Food Lab»: Gläubiger bowls fell light but neither an ihr Geld

Der Wettinger Unternehmer Robin Deb Jensen must close all Local Signaler Geissepeter GmbH in 2023. Ex-entrepreneur would be wary of Löhne. The Konkursverfahren was finalized at the end of October. Now comes the special liquidation.

Die Geissepeter GmbH is involved in the «Jensen's Food Lab» branches in the Baden region.

Die Geissepeter GmbH is involved in the «Jensen’s Food Lab» branches in the Baden region.

Image: Valentin Hehli

The company starts at the kitchen of the company and ex-manager of “Jensen’s Food Lab”: You can still make money at the location of the fast food local in Baden and in the year 2023, but the Wettinger host Robin Deb Jensen has incurred a debt. This is available under the Geissepeter GmbH from 2017 to 2023 at zwölf Restaurants in the Baden region and in Aargau.

Nun is a special liquidation that started after the invention of the company, while the Amtsblatt of the Cantons of Aargau has developed. “All rights are hereby asserted, ihre written notice at the Konkursamt Aargau, bei der Amtsstelle Baden, Oberstadtstrasse 9, 5400 Baden, bis 15. Dezember anzumelden,” heisst es.

In August 2023, Geissepeter CEO Jensen Konkurs reported a. The competitions started at the end of October, and the competition is Aargau Mitte Oktober miteilte. There were mangels active as geschlossen erklärt, Gläubiger does not fall bis spatestens zum 26. October the duration of the desire and the coverage of the costs of a vorschuss of 3000 Francs leisten.

Clearly there is a problem with the fact that a special statistic has now been found. If you want to make money, Ali Husseini can make a profit and make a bankruptcy purchase.

Der Afghane work from December 2021 to November 2022 as Koch and All-rounder in the «Jensen’s Food-Lab»-Filiale an der Haselstrasse in Baden. This whole time is aware of the Monatsgehalt von Brutto 4200 Franken Samt Zwei Wochen Overstunden. Spending money has started on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe so that the outstanding bet (this post notification) can take place.

Ex-Angestellte sprachen von Betrug

For a few years, Ali Husseini and his two public employment colleges were in power, neither of whom had money nor Jensen’s money. If you use a Betrug, you can criticize machines and some violations by insgesamt about 30,000 Francs. Zu Wort signed up with ex-restaurant manager René Skel, from the «Jensen’s Food Lab» branch in Untersiggenthal in March 2023 with Kollegen übernahm. There are even more ex-entrepreneurs who never come out of the closet anymore. Skel verriet überdies, dass die Geissepeter GmbH met Lieferanten und regional Betrieben Geld-debten.

Jensen fights damals on Anfrage, that is only Ex-Mitarbeitende tatsächlich nor Geld zugute hätten. “I have closed off a large part of my private life. Ein solches Ende tut mir für meine Mitarbeiter von Herzen led», said there. Für Fragen zu Forderungen im actualellen Fall verwies Jensen auf Anfrage und Konkursamt Aargau.