
Vorfall in Dallas: Von Kugel hit: Flugzeug in USA bricht Start ab

Vorfall in Dallas: Von Kugel hit: Flugzeug in USA bricht Start ab

A US-Fluggesellschaft Southwest Airlines machine is on its way to the start Dallas (Federal State of Texas) to be affected by Schuss. There is no one who can be helped by the US-Medien mit. The flight is next to the gate, where the passengers leave the board.

The Kugel has ended up on the rights of the cockpits, this continues. The Vorfall started on Friday at 8:30 PM (Ortszeit) ereignet, teilte the US-Luftfahrtbehörde FAA mit. The machine only works on flights to Indianapolis. Media reports are unclear as to where Schuss herkam and ob das Flugzeug das Ziel war. Die Polizei ermittelt.