
“Keine Eile bei Zinssenkungen”: Fed chief Powell slows down Wall Street

“Keine Eile bei Zinssenkungen”: Fed chief Powell slows down Wall Street

“Keine Eile at Zinssenkungen”
Fed chief Powell broke off the Laune on Wall Street

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After the US-Wahl rally set the course for Wall Street to consolidate. Fed Chief Powell cooks with his wife and spits out his large batch of eggs at other phrases.

The experiences of chef Jerome Powell of the American Nutbank and the young entrepreneurs stimulate the bank and the Wall Street foundation. Der Dow Jones index der Standardwerte schloss am Abend 0.5 Prozent tiefer auf 43.750 Punkten. The technology tricky one Nasdaq gab 0.6 Prozent auf 19,107 Zähler nach. It’s a fact S&P500 büßte 0.6 Prozent auf 5949 Stellen ein. When Wall Street brought the Powells offensive to a 25-base point Zinssenkung in December. “The results are as close to common sense as possible,” says Adam Hetts, Global Head of Multi-Asset at Janus Henderson Investors.

Powell is reported to have said that the US-Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) has created a strong economy that no longer makes sense. The US-Erzeugerprijs, which as the German border for the Entwicklung der Verbraucherprijs gilten, started in October, was mainly as erwartet. There are more layers that have messed up the US workers’ time. “There are different types of stocks you can use and those you can’t use to stock your portfolios,” comments David Morrison, chief analyst at Broker Trade Nation.

Walt Disney in the Höhenflug

Disney Disney
Disney 107.82

I am Rampenlicht at the Einzelwerten stand, among others Tapestry with a Plus of 12.8 Prozent. The US-Luxusunternehmen will be led by Michael-Kors-Mutter Capri Angesichts kartellrechtlicher Hürden nicht weiter kämpfen. The Capri action can be amazed in no time with a 4.4 Prozent vor. Were fragmented indeed Walt Disneythat um mehr if you want to take the next steps. The “Deadpool & Wolverine” movie series is showing off a very strong showing for the entire quarter.

Investors are afraid of the future air travel. A positive comment on the British Grossbank Barclays half American Airlines, Delta, United and Alaska zu Gewinnen zwischen 0.6 and 2.3 Prozent. In the Barclays Message this is a different problem, the problem in the industry starts with solving problems in the sector.

Unter Druck rieten Anbieter telemedizinischer Dienste. The paper von His and Hers, LifeMD and Teladoc Health rutschten um 6.3 to 24.4 Prozent ab. Amazon’s online sellers have offered a telemediziation subscription to Amazon Prime’s loyalty programs in the US. Because the new situation increases competition, the rivals will receive a new price, says analyst Michael Cherny of the investment bank Leerink Partners.

All more information can be found here.