
Typical Freiburg: Fünfter DFB-Kantersieg im Breisgau

Typical Freiburg: Fünfter DFB-Kantersieg im Breisgau

Everything started with a 1:2 in Switzerland on May 18, 1913, but it was the German Fußball-Nationalmannschaft that was a pillar for the development of Bilanz in the state of Freiburg during the time of the Zuwe. If you play in the Breisgau, you will be playing Kantersiegen’s first entry into the Series for 87 years.

Am 7. June 2000 wurde Fußball-Zwerg Liechtenstein 8:2 bezwungen. Am 9. May 2002 at 7:0 am the scratches on Kuwait, May 27, 2004 at 7:0 am Underdog Malta, May 27, 2006, the “little” Luxembourg was besieged at 7:0 am.

The war is quickly the logical next, which is played in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Nations League, falling in a time frame of 7:0 (3:0) to the spectacle. For the Bosnian Mannschaft of the früheren Bundesliga-Stars Sergej Barbarez war is the highest Niederlage in the Verbandsgeschichte – and for the DFB-Elf a more normal Abend in Freiburg.

Wobei: I was first for the years that Europa-Park-Stadion played war in its first game. 1913 had not yet been played on the FFC-Platz in the Schwarzwaldstraße, the next four parts between 2000 and 2006 were all held in the Dreisamstadion statt.