
“Götter und Narren unite: The CCV celebrates Karneval in Griechenland!”

“Götter und Narren unite: The CCV celebrates Karneval in Griechenland!”

Princess Charlotte I. and Prinz Kian I.

“Götter und Narren unite: The CCV celebrates Karneval in Griechenland!”

“Götter und Narren unite: The CCV celebrates Karneval in Griechenland!”
“Götter und Narren unite: The CCV celebrates Karneval in Griechenland!” – Photos: Verein

17.11.24 – Under the Motto: “Das gab es in Vach ‘noch nie, ein Prinzenpaar from the Greek Mythologie” started that 64. Karnevalssaison (2024/25) des CCV (Carneval Club Vacha).

At 11:11 am it is time to view the history of the city and leave the carnivalists of TKC from Völkershausen for the city verwaltung, while the city watch of the CCV was completed first.

The power of the mayor is the fool that does not become lighter for a year. If the city makes the city a living thing in the world, you can lose “Romer” status, while Job survives. As “Samstagsstadtverwaltung” covers the “Ersatzrathaus” and covers the Bürgermeister of Sauermühle, Michael Große, with the same Schlüssel. After the city has warmed up and become a “Sirtaki”, the city guard and the ride are no longer near the Schlüssel with the Sauermühle, but then up to the separated Hinweis-geliefert, which the Bürgermeister of Vacha has versteckt. The Einwohnermeldeamt served Bürgermeister Martin Müller long as Unterschlupf. Ende has to brave the Schloss zur Stadtverwaltung and the Karnevalspräsidenten Christian Seibt übergeben.

I am a war at the end of the war. The Carnival Club watches the Prinzenkürung in the “Temple of Jesters” one. Is it the case that the zahlreichen Besucher voor allem eine Frage: Wer wird das new Prinzenpaar der Saison 2024/25? After a trip to the old Greece, the Proklamation of the Children’s Princess Couple followed. Princess Charlotte I. (Charlotte Zapf) and Prinz Kian I. (Kian Jäger) are busy with the 64. Saison das Zepter and are looking forward to the coming season.

With a bunten program, begleitet von der Hofkapelle “Belconda”, the Vächer Karnevalisten maintained fellowship with Gastaufttochts of the Talbacher Karnevalclubs (TKC) of the native people on a tolle Art en Weise. CCV chairman Christian Seibt has helped the Narrenschar and the bergab aan het Wort and the incumbent chairman André Höhmann, who prepared themselves during the Abend-führte. Many shows and gardetänze follow, where the young people of the United States receive a big applause. At CCV you can use your own Tanzerinnen and Tanzen to use the Darbietung des Tanzmariechens and the Blue Angels of the TKC-freuen. This follows another highlight of the program in form, one of the best ways to present an “Irish Coffee” from President Christian Seibt and Chairman André Höhmann.

Kurz darauf war der sehntehnte Moment gekomen. Get the Motto of the Greek Mythologies the new Prince Couple in practically Stein geeißelt. Griechin Gabi and his Mann Tzatziki have given the CCV a chance, while the new regents are playing around. When the “Erstellungprozess” fails, most of the people both die and all the fun is wonderful. The new Prince Couple of the Saison was greeted with great jubilation. Princess Sandra II. (Sandra Kunath) and Prinz Jan I. (Jan Kunath) direct nun bis Aschermittwoch die Vächer Narrenscharr.

After booking the Prinzenbuches by the Prinzenpaar of the Vergangs Saison (Dominik Ritz & Lavinia Banz) and the first Tanz, the Auftritt of Tanzpaare (Lenny Wolf & Emelina Darr, Marie Ißbrücker & Éric Blanchard) followed with more Tänze as well as Soloauftritte. Including the men of the “schmierigen Oliven” (ehemalige “Kokosnüsse”) who embody the public. Zum Abendveranstaltung bot sich dem Publikum nor a great art image, as all the Mitwirkenden normals auf der Bühne jijammenkamen. Gemeinsam with the guests in the Saal where the Vächer Karnevalshymne “Hier in Vach ‘geht die Sonne nicht unter” is sung. After playing the “Großen Finale”, the vächer-karnevalists can no longer splash in the night. If this erroneous machine translation happens, it could be one of the fun moments in February freuen. (Marie Tischendorf) +++