
Katze Cassandra proudly enjoys a Happy Ending

Katze Cassandra proudly enjoys a Happy Ending

Hamburg- If you have a schweren-infected situation in the area of ​​camps, you need to take notice Katze Cassandra from Tierheim in Hamburg Darauf, zu finden neues Zuhause.

Katze Cassandra from the Tierheim in Hamburg is seriously ill. We are proud of a Happy Ending.

Katze Cassandra from Tierheim in Hamburg is mentally ill. We are proud of a Happy Ending. © Hamburger Tierschutzverein von 1841 eV

Whoever writes about the Hamburger Tierschutzverein on the website is the Vierbeinerin (Rasse: Europäisch-Kurzhaar) until the 24th. August dies Jahres im Tierheim and the Süderstraße not visited. Think of it as Fundtier Dorthin.

Leader is one of the most important interests of all other people: a Cassandras Kniegelenk would have gefunden a sogenanntes Hämangiosarkom. It is a malignant tumor of the blutgefäßwände.

The further prognosis of the history of the generation is fragile. The maintenance steps of the new Besitzer in your fall, regular checks are also necessary during maintenance.

For Tierschutz "irresponsible": So Katzen leads to Qualschik
Für Tierschutz “unverantwortlich”: This is how you lead Katzen to Qualschik

There was a problem with Cassandra preparing herself – while she still had no money, it was no longer the case.

The problem and the preparation are the result of the fact that you are aware of a self-chosen platz on the beobachtet.

The second half of the four-hour Katzenerfahrene Menschen, the time it takes, is a bit boring.

The second half of the four-hour Katzenerfahrene Menschen, the time it takes, is a bit boring. © Hamburger Tierschutzverein von 1841 eV

In this new home, the Four Bear would feel free for a long time and have a lot of Rückzugsmöglichkeiten freuen. Katzenerfahrene Menschen, who read at this time, a trust and self-sufficiency, were perfect for Cassandra.

The different types of courts, that is the way in which the Samtpfote provides security and food assistance for donating jug. If this happens, it is a patent issue. It is possible that the provision of Katze financing will continue.

Don’t you want to know the Fellnase? Cassandras completter Steckbrief und een Moglichkeit zur Kontaktufnahme sind auf so found.