
TSV Murnau schickt Geretsried auf die Bretter

TSV Murnau schickt Geretsried auf die Bretter

The next message: The TSV 1865 Murnau played Landesliga-Spitzenreiter TuS Geretsried with Last-Minute-Tor in the Knie.

I’m finally going to see the Magician from Murnau in the Zauber and the Zuschauer further. With a La-Ola-Welle there is a good chance you will do this. If you have run out of ideas, there is an Ort with Symbolkraft: almost on the Couch des Oberland-Rivalen, directly in front of the Tribüne in the Isarau Stadium. Das Publikum – 450 Besucher zählte der Kassier – file large pieces of green and black clay with Murnauer Anhang. If the maximum size of the tablesfuhrers is challenged, their sport will become a war and now their Heimstatt can no longer hijack.

Siegschütze runs in the wrong direction

In de Nachspielzeit-War Sanel Dacic der Treffer zum 2:1-Sieg über de TuS Geretsried gelungen. With the release mechanism of the dryer: the kopf. “The smallest player on the field. That’s a man, that’s not great,” says coach Martin Wagner. A gefühlstrunkener Dacic-gibt from Protokoll, that is as eigentlich as a small, unseen Kopfball-Ungeheuer in its trägt. “In the youth I have not had so little power,” says der Peißenberger. It is half of the souls that Hereingabe has won from his long team colleague Samuel Spieß, from the 18-year-old Landesliga-Debutanten. “Make sure you are on the side of the road.” Accurately set the Dacic to move, so that the ball can be placed right in the gate. Dan joins this and the lectures for all synapse functions. Kurzerhand vergaß is sogar, in the right direction zu jubeln. “Actually, man runs among the fans. Aber ich bin een infach losgerant“, said the Hero vom Fußballfeld.

Murnaus Match Plan is arrested

My Traumtor setzte is een Ausrufezeichen hinter “unsere beste Saisonleistung”, with Martin Wagner concrete. Dieser Sieg was not possible in the Hinspiel-Debakel. It is 0:4 as far as the Drachen in Monaten are concerned. “Rache zu nehmen, bedeutet uns sehr fell,” said Dacic. Auf tactical Ebene useful Trainer Wagner das Anschauungsmaterial, um den Gegner zu decodieren. That’s according to mastery. The Murnauern fiel auf, dass der TuS black das Zentrum wie sein Aller Heiliges discussed (“Da haben sie uns im Hinspiel gefressen”), after which a few loose Garden beschäftigt. You consciously attack that area with long balls. “The match plan is a matter of detail,” says Martin Wagner cheerfully.

A game in a Box-Kampf

Although the defense of the Ballkünstler Srdan Ivkovic and Belmin Idrizovic is so interesting, it is now possible to play in this class among men. When a man makes a campfire in Boxen, Murnau lands the Wirkungstreffer and becomes the active part. After the Tower this break is 1:0 for the TuS. After a Zusammenprall, Tizian Schatto was on Boden. Murnau did not play the ball in Aus, while he was in a Bumerang zurück – and landed on Ivkovic’s header (41.).

TuS loses its Aura of Uncanny Barkeit

From 55. Minute Wars are a normal normal duel, with a high class. Dann started playing the game with the argument and burnt himself furiously. Marco Dukic played a ball with a ball, played a minute-long attack and left the team in catastrophe. With this action, the Waage – and Martin Wagner can give a weight to others: There are Dribbelkönig Dacic and Torjäger Maximilian Nebl one, who in the vast majority of the kopf (Traumflanke von Schatto) ausglich. Wagner: „We knew what we were doing, that we were good at what we did and that we had a great life.“ With every minute lost, there is a sense of aura of uncanny darkness, with the same Schuss kam Murnau dem Sieg näher. Georg Kutter made a fallrückzieher-drüber, Bastian Adelwart played a volley cracker into the latte, and Kutter separated at Torwart. In Minute vier der Nachspielzeit trat Adrian Hofherr Tadeus Henn, wie der alleine Richtung Tor steuern wollte. The Rote Karte brought the Gerestrieder, the Trainer and the Anhang into Rage, that is gassing, that is neither a game nor sweet. Murnau is knocked out with a Sanel Dacic, before the Spitzenreiter on the Bretter.