
“Auswandern light” as Neustart: Astrid litt sohr an Coronafolgen, dass sie und ihr Mann schweren Entschluss trafen

“Auswandern light” as Neustart: Astrid litt sohr an Coronafolgen, dass sie und ihr Mann schweren Entschluss trafen

Astrid Szelest from Welzheim hat Post Covid. This is one of the things that with my Mann is a new Zuhause with Luft in the Medizin: the Insel Sylt.

Der Himmel über Sylt is mystical gray and that Herbsttag. Westerland am Morgen. Nahezu windless and deshalb right mild for the Jahreszeit. Astrid Szelest is a keeper, ohne Wecker. That Night War okay.

The woman from Welzheim has her own coffee, but only for a few minutes online in the Heimatblättern, the “Backnanger Kreiszeitung” and the “Welzheimer Zeitung”.

Dieser Tag in November starts his other journey to the Swabian Forest 900 Kilometers after Norden. Langsam, gemächlich, ritual. Die 55-Jährige hat all Zeit der Welt. Alle Zeit der Welt and Post Covid.

Früher everything was different, in my first life. Astrid Szelest spent the winter months in 2022 with the corona infection for a lifetime. That’s true. Forever. No more schön, aber “else gut”, said the frühpensionärin and laughed.

Neun Uhr. I am a number that lasts for a while in the Rathaus. Astrid Szelest war at Stadtverwaltung Backnang Leiterin der Schulverwaltung. In this position you can use the “Nature Park Schools” project in the Rems-Murr-Kreis with your life. All nature park schools investigate whether the theme of nature is treated as their own insight in the Lehrplan.

60-Stunden-Wochen bij der Stadtverwaltung Ebersbach

In February 2021, Astrid Szelest left the Arbeitsplatz and took over the Leitung des Fachbereichs Bürgerservice and Bildung at the Stadt Ebersbach. Zu Pandemiezeiten ein nor fell more time-intensive Job as the Stelle in Backnanger Rathaus.

50-, manchmal sogar 60-Stunden-Wochen were plötzlich die Regel. Der Beruf, said, war with Berufung. Zurück will go further in another life. When new things happen, the new Freiheiten treasures all Einschränkungen.

During the Corona infection, Astrid is happy with Gelenkschmerzen

The Arbeitstage was completely completed while writing. Often the ray only reaches the neighborhood after the community in the house has come to an end. Astrid Szelest is at work in Welzheim – and that’s what matters.

Another Umzug thought it wasn’t so. You are involved in the German Schutzgemeinschaft, in local sports clubs and in a direction for the people behind it.

Geschmackssinn and der Geruchsinn have been gone for two years

Nebenbei work sie ausserdem als Dozentin an der Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. The war is outside the door, outside the wilderness of nature. If you are in top shape, enjoy Ultra-Marathons.

Since the Coronainfektion hat Astrid Szelest standard fiese Gelenkschmerzen, including migration and life. The Geschmackssinn and the Geruchsinn have been gone for a long time.

This form of a Sylt package is a few Sachen for the first Ausflug to the beach together. Participate in the packaging with Müllbeutel, Fernglas, Handtuch. Manchmal eine Thermoskanne with heißem Tee.

The way to the beach is now a few steps, vorbei am Sansibar-Store and the legendary Café Orth in the Fußgängerzone.

“In Westerland I must have a maximum of one study long japsen”

Ankunft am Strand. Do some Tai-Chi exercises with runners and enterprising. Danach was once sold in Müll. “I will live on the island forever,” he said.

A Stunde expresses Astrid Szelest jeden Vormittag am Strand. Die Luft an der Nordsee is for its last Lunge-medizine. That nocturnal Atemnot is not gone completely, “aber in Westerland I must have a maximum of one study long japsen”. In Welzheim there were often three or four qualende stunden.

Ihr Mann works as Hauswart at Gosch

After a rehabilitation on Sylt in April 2022 and after more Kurzurlauben and the Nordsee-Wurde in your hour and in your Mann-Mannen Rüdiger ever clearer: A Umzug and More würde a real Gewinn and Lebensqualität bedeuten. And so there is the kühne Plan: new Heimat Sylt!

Was for a Schnapside idea, a lot was thought by Freunde. Ausgerechnet Sylt! Die Insel der Reichen und Schönen. Der Ort mit de Bundesweit höchsten Mieten en teuersten Immobilien. Rüdiger Szelest is not bothered by a job on Sylt – and can get good financing.

Since September the work of the 59-year-old Ur-Schwabe bei Deutschlands bekanntestem Fischhändler. Technical House near Gosch – “Wie ein Sechser im Lotto”. There is a discovery of the Nordlichtern with open arms being taken, says Rüdiger Szelest.

The Ehepaar has a cool Service Living because in Westerland. Once the kitchen is opened, once the Kehrwoche is in power, there is talk of Rüdiger Szelest. The thing is gone.

After the Corona infection, Astrid suffers from Ausfallerscheinungen

Zehn Uhr am Strand. Ein Beutel Müll is gesammelt. “Weniger like in high summer,” says Astrid Szelest. Im Sand liest een toter, angeschwemmter Fisch. Der bleibt, wed there ist. Astrid Szelest has a photo. If you did any research on the internet, this was a fish.

Best of all, that’s what you can do when you use a wildlife image from Wildnispädagogin. If you need help, you can train, if you want.

“I couldn’t think more clearly”

After the Corona infection, Astrid Szelest lost his PIN number during the Ausfallerscheinungen. “I could no longer think in a focused manner.” At Psychology-Online-Studium, when you are a few years older, you can train the gray things and work on your structures all day long.

Astrid Szelest hat Schuhe and Strümpfe sucked. Wassertreten hilft de lädieren Gelenken. It is very sad: “The more heilt me, I was blessed.”

No problem with optimism or improvement of health in the required salzwasser on the East Beach of Hörnum. Astrid Szelest is white, while one of her patients has come out of rehabilitation. Come and see us in Frage.

Let it be clear when you see the Tage, but don’t go further than the Bett. All the others also follow their rituals. After the morning, there will be fresh fruit. Wer de schmucke Zweizimmerwohnung betritt, would empfangen from historical Welzheim-Photos. An Abschiedsgeschenk from the Parasport-Gruppe, which will take place during the summer. You can see the pictures on the wall with the inscription “It’s more than you can see”.

Dann half nur noch das „Auswandern light“

Nach der Mittagsruhe will be a bisschen gelernt. Astrid Szelest will follow the Abschluss in her Fernstudiums as a coach, counsel people, take on the turmoil and the private victory. Nachmittag is then one of the things you can do during gymnastics on the beach.

Gegen 15 Uhr ist zumeist Rüdigers which K-Frage clarified: Welchen Kuchen gibt’s heute? The Gattin hat Streuslkuchen with Kirschen holt. And then they both sit at tea or coffee, enjoying the “Abenteuer Sylt”, vom “Auswandern light”, or a tollen Willkommenskultur on the Island.

They work with wattwanderungen

She said: “I’m still studying at Sylt.” Under the message it is a sports association as a leichtathletik trainer who may work, while his summer continues for a year at VfL Waiblingen. The Remstalverein hat includes some of the best accessories on the Meisterschaften vorbereitet.

In November, Astrids was working at the parasport of TSV Westerland, the first war with a group from Schwimmen in Hallenbad. If you have a natural nature center in the northern Inselort list, you can engage in wattwanderungen.

Atemnot bei Heimatbesuch fell schlimmer

“More statt Wald”, he said. The Nordsee has entered its “new habitat” in the Weiteres of the Swabian Forest.

The first weeks in the new home of North Friesland resemble a different life. “I wasn’t sad,” he said. But a visit in Swabia in October might be clear: Der Umzug was goldrichtig. Life in Welzheim-Woche was not easy.

It has become a diesem-truben-tag in November in Westerland. It’s a matter of dunkel. Astrid and Rüdiger are happily married in their Jacken. Who you are, no longer sees the house as a beach. Those good Sylter Luft tanks.