
When you’re out and about, you’ll see the yellow hat wearing the yellow hat

When you’re out and about, you’ll see the yellow hat wearing the yellow hat


After two years in Australia, Watson-Autorin is a Fazit. And I have been to the Auswanderin-Kolumne.Image: ai/chatgpt

That Auswanderin

Our colleague Franziska Wohlfarth has been able to do something, we are now very Australian. Ganz can no longer be found: In the column “Die Auswanderin” a message has appeared in the Monat of the Experiences from Down Under.

18.11.2024, 08:0418.11.2024, 08:05

Franziska Wohlfarth

Anfang 2023 has been completed with my Alltag, my job has been completed, my living arrangements have been resolved, my life has been taken care of in Germany and my suitcase has been packed in Australia. My routine continues and with the things that others do, it is the end of the world, the war will be the greatest herausforderung, used in two languages. Once it does, it’s a fact that a single error has occurred.

Watson is on WhatsApp

Go to WhatsApp and Instagram: dein Watson-Update! Go here to WhatsApp with the highlights of the tags. Nur einmal pro Tag – no spam, no blah blah, no links. Versprochen! Have you received more information about Instagram? Here you will find our Broadcast channel.

I am not an Abenteurin

If all goes well, when I walk around Australia 20 years later, I may end up as an Abenteurerin. A disconnected well-being bumpmlerin, the immersion and the umbrella of the Freundschaften schliezen and generate quickly wieder can. A journey that is not so focused on the home is – and it is not that difficult.

Planlos die Welt zu erkunden, ist für jede:n was.

Planlos die Welt zu erkunden, ist für jede:n was. image: pexels/MART PRODUCTION

For a long time this description has determined with my self-study. I see myself as a strong Reisemaus; spontaneous Weltenbummlerin. But inzwischen habe ich gelernt: If you travel and have a new experience, it is likely that you will be able to enjoy your home more. I think I’m in the Vertrautheit. It seems that everything is great, when I deal with another part of the world, then it has become vertrautheid.

“If I forget a little bit, I’m not in Germany, without knowing the routine and structure that my whole life has become.”

In Germany it is true that you can keep your time in the Welchemse seminary, who würde the money from Welchem ​​Labor am End des Monats auf meinem Konto Landen and with Welchen Leuten and in Welcher Bar could be broadened. If I’m a bit embarrassed that I’m not in Germany, but have a bit of routine and structure, then it’s time to stop.

Das Selbstbild der Abenteurerin zerbrach. I see that I have one of the made tags, vertrauten mens und een gewohnten Umfeld. Only after seeing all the ground in a new way did I end up in the Australian region.

Fernfreundschaften funktionieren (manchmal)

In large social groups it is not that they do not work. A hand full of narrower, more intensive friendship wars will increasingly fade away as a mixed-order undertaking. Quality over quantity. If we are human, I die in my life, so an examination of my life, the war is so much that I only speak.

Meine Liebsten in Deutschland zurückzulassen, war and ist für mich bis heute das Schwerste am Auswandern. During the Zoom Meetings, during the Kaffeeklatsch, minute-long speaking memos and the Verabredungen on a short journey can take place.

Friends can come to life digitally.

Friends can come to life digitally.image: pexels/KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA

Remote friendships are possible linked to work. Insbesondere in Anbetracht der Zeitverschiebung müssen Videocalls akribisch were planted. While it is likely that the business is evolving, the reality is that my friends are as connected as they are. If other people know that it is a good thing to ask a few things tomorrow, there is a few things with a few things they can do, it is a problem.

Of course, it is not the case that the person who owns the capital is in favor of a fernfreundschaft hat. I found myself among those who ghosted me with their friends. If you have a few days or more of weeks of funkstille, we will still be able to enjoy another experience. And if so, everything we want will happen. If we don’t want to leave.

Deutschland is not so deaf

If teenagers can do something, the road is over. Damals wusste ich noch nicht so Richt wohin, aber ich wusste, dass ich nicht in Deutschland bleiben wolllte. When the Wetteren are calm, the city is long and the people unfriendly.

“In Australia the company doesn’t want more than a few surfers, the flip-flops and attracting people through the streets.”

Deutschland cares about everything that has happened – for all of the Germans. If we look at the things that were in Ausland for a while, the German mentalities, the Deutsche Bahn and German politics would no longer exist. If you get an impetus with your own point of criticism, the grass from Germany will no longer be greener.


Ausblicke who is this gibt in Australian kaum. Image: Pixabay / Tama66

It was noticed that it became an Australian besser, like a German country. Clearly this is not the case. But here it is, not always everything is so perfect, it is easy to appreciate it. In Australia, the company doesn’t want more than a few surfers, flip-flops and attracting people through the streets. This is an unsatisfactory human being. Here you will find the Bahn Verspätung. And here is the political view of many Couples.

“If you are missing in Germany, why are you still in Australia?”

I have the Eindruck, that’s my destination: in the fear of living, the treasures of my home away from home and of course, that’s the fact that things in Germany are missing. If it is true that everyone is aware of himself and everyone else, then it is true that man is a new woman and a man of integrity in the new land. If it is a personal verse, see the German Schokolade or the German Altstädten when they appear.

Manchmal spüre ich einen ähnlichen Druck: “Wenn du Deutschland vermisst, why were they even sucked after Australien?” Aber Ganz is so black-white that it isn’t Ganze nicht. I can get an idea of ​​a Deutschland-vermissen en trotzdem from the past, in Australia to Leben. Power is not a “schlechten Auswanderin”.

Das Ende

After two years in Australia, I’ve pretty much learned it. If all goes well, it is a diverse Konzepte of Freundschaften and the man at a greater distance can führen a more intensive Beziehungen. I’ve learned that Deutschland may not be so deaf, if my teenage self still hasn’t. I’ve learned that routine and professional power is one of the many things you can do. And that’s Tuesday.

Now is a good time to weld a column of an Ende. My past text is one of my experiences as an Auswanderin: der Visa-Prozess, de Wohnungssuche, das Heimweh. But I still feel like I am in Australia no longer who is an Australian. I think it’s one of those things that happens in Australian life. The Chapter “Die Auswanderin” is for my loss and what I did was the Zukunft as “Australierin” for me.

It is a theme that brings the generational conflict of Gen Z and Boomern to the punk that is Arbeitsleben. Gleitzeit, Motivation for education and the dress code in the office are now one of the aspects that ensure that Gemüt rains.