
TikTok Diet: Influencer isst 10 Bananas pro Tag – who is that?

TikTok Diet: Influencer isst 10 Bananas pro Tag – who is that?

TikTok is influencing the online world with my extreme banana diet. Johanna Friedmann, one of the “banana fraudsters”, started her tag with an eight-fruit banana smoothie and whipped up a quick banana meal. The trend sorts for viral brand research, but also for encouraging expert opinion.

Viral on TikTok: Darum wird die Bananendiät critic gesehen

Friedmanns Liebe zu Bananen may seem at ease at first glance, but Fragen leaves out his own responsibility when it comes to carrying out an online certification. Kritiker*innen befürchten, thus ihr Einfluss a verzerrtes Bild von gesunder Ernährung and Veganismus vermitteln könnte.

Trotz des hohen Potassium- und Ballaststoffgehalts der Banane warn Ernährungswissenschaftler*innen wie Melanie Loessner voor de Gefahren een übermäßigen Fruitzuckerkonsums. There are many bananas that cause risks for karias, obesity and type 2 diabetes and an unweighted diet.

A single mistake, which is based on Bananas for everything, causes an eiweiss and fettmangels. The following steps are important: From washing over immune protection to sehstörungen. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung has an abwechslungsreiche Ernährung, especially with vegan Lebensweise.

Balance is A and O

The next thought is that there is a solution to the trend of young people. When Friedmann did not expand his research, he gave his videos a fragmentary description. Research into the TikTok inhalation of the theme Ernährung von Laien became an ungesunde Essgeohnheiten fördern können, was in young Zuschauer*innen of unrealistic Vorstellungen or Essstörungen führen kann.

Bananas are healthy, but in most cases they can be consumed. A well-balanced Ernährung, the different Nährstoffe loves, is the Schlüssel of a healthy Lebensstil. Before you can discover online trends, you can find the best information about the best information and in the Zweifelsfall a torch person a rat-fragen. So if you are sure about buying your order, it was very difficult.

Quelle: RND