
Dax is trading below 19,000 Punkte Von dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – This is a service under the Marke von 19.000 Punkte Gerutscht. Gegen Mittag verlor der deutsche Leitindex 1.35 Prozent auf 18,930.68 Punkte. Der sank a 0.93 Prozent on 25,951.10 Zähler. Der Eurozonen-Index büßte 1.6 Prozent ein.

Technically, the Dax is very confused. Analyst Jochen Stanzl of CMC Markets (LON:) sees figures for a future trend shift. There is a cyclical risk.

Thyssenkrupp (ETR 🙂 extends after the German sale, an additional 6 Prozent. A handler has found the free barmittelfluss in the abgelaufenen quarter, which in the new German 2024/25 deutlich is negative about the duration. So if you are at the Sparte Marine Systems who can do your research if something happened, you can start starting the second phase.

The Thyssenkrupp-Tochter Nucera (ETR:) has made a deal with agents who are very predictive in the course of 2023/2024. If the title of electrolytic specialists is used, the plus can yield more than 10 percent.

The Rustungskonzern Rhinemetal (ETR:) there is a view of the Rust-Booms in the middle of the cold Wachstum. Der Umsatz soll bis 2027 op 20 Billiarden Euro steigen, teilten de Düsseldorfer annlässlich eines Kapitalmarkttags mit. The Aktien setzten ihre Rekordrally fort with plus 3.3 Prozent auf more 600 Euro.

Evotec (ETR:) was in the battle for victory during the Rally, losing more than 7 Prozent. Anyone who does the reporting of the Börsen-Zeitung repeats the Wirkstoffforscher on an Abwehrkampf that has a milliardenangebot of Halozyme for it.

The Essenslieferdienst Delivery Hero (ETR:) is the Kreisen-zufolge now few minutes after Zeichnungsbeginn sämtliche Aktien for the Börsengang signaler Nahost-Tochter Talabat became loose. If you are positive, then the story is very clear in German in the Delivery-Hero kurs, which is a handler. The paper doesn’t go any further than it ever has before.

Bee Siemens (ETR:) setzte sich die Kurskorrektur vom Rekordlauf fort with minus 3.9 Prozent. The Bank of America (NYSE:) is setting up the Kaufempfehlung for the Anteile des Industriekonzerns.