
Meissen wins 10,000 Euro at Stadtentwicklungswettbewerb

Meissen wins 10,000 Euro at Stadtentwicklungswettbewerb

Meissen. If you wish to follow the city’s law policy “Ab in die Mitte!”, Meißen could carry out an Achtungserfolg. For the Beitrag “Statt Asphalt: Aufenthalt – ein Stadtstrand für Meißen” the city would be awarded one of the following Anerkennungspreisen. Dieser ist mit 10,000 Euro dotiert and wurde am 8. November von Oberbürgermeister Olaf Raschke and Stadtarchitektin Katja Lamnek at the preisverleihung in Leipzig entgegengenommen. It is a fact that the land district has come to an end, while an Auszeichnung erringen konnte. First prize for a value of 60,000 euros in the Nachbarlandkreis nach Döbeln. In total 42 Saxon communities have one project idea.

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Tip from the Meißner Wettbewerbsbeitrag is the idea of ​​a multifunctional useful Stadtstrandes und der Triebischmündung, what is in a press conference of the Stadtheißt. The Stadtstrand project is an example of the soul of the urban design concept, Elbe and Triebisch for the Stadtgesellschaft in a positive sense that will make it more enjoyable and enjoyable. “With light, sunlight, natural light and the creative energy of the city, the jetzt and the asphalt of the parking lot, the potential for living, living and inspiring people can be explored in Meissen,” says city architect Katja Lamnek.

If you think about it, in one of the cases where the debt burden arises, the Grünbereich is run through the bank and put into debt with a longer bank. The installations were designed in such a way that the bank went to Beispiel in Beton eingelassen. Once you have found inner peace, the format and Konzepte Platz change. While this first writing will be made in the summer of 2025, and the 10,000 Euro won from the Wettbewerb will be bought up, it comes from the Rathaus.

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Die Triebischmündung in Meissen. I often enjoy summers, but the Wetteren is a woolly washer.

Die Triebischmündung in Meissen. I often enjoy summers, but the Wetter is a woolly washer.

Place for a “Flip-Flop Festival”

There is another idea for the use after the switchover. The city beach offers “a perfect design for a small cultural development and a new game in the urban cultural summer”, to which Sara Engelmann has cultural references. Beispielsweise man sich vorellen, for the Hip-Hop and Street Art Festival “Down to the Beat”, which is one of the other Elbseite on the Akti-stattfindet, one of the following activities to organize: the “Flip-Flop- Festival Down to the Beach. “

Neben Planen für eine kulturelle Nutzung will man the enstehenden Stadtstrand auch as Begegnungsort used, and of course they are also responsible for the Stadtverwaltung itself with information or beratungsangeboten-präsentieren. A big perspective is a good idea. I could start building light masts, the schiffsmasts from the sea and the maritime Fläche in Szene setzen. With fun sunny days you can enjoy these beautiful summer treasures. The written text “Meissen” can be placed on the table and fixed on the table. A small dining table can be one of the partners in a small frost period, so the idea.

When and who will carry out these new developments in the future, the city’s project will receive new impetus. Others see the financial underpinnings of the most recent programs, with Katharina Reso’s city press conference shown on Nachfrage von Sä

The next years are certain

Der Wettbewerb „Ab in die Mitte!“ was ausgerichtet on 20 years, and Meißen war von Anfang an eine feste Größe: Bereits bei the first Ausschreibung im Jahr 2004 beteiligte sich die Stadt, and im daaruffgenden Jahr konnte Meißen zum ersten Mal einen drieten Platz erreichen. This Leistung sollte der Stadt with ihren Einreichungen nor funfmal gelingen: 2007, 2010 and 2015 anyway in the past years and both years 2022 and 2023. Dazu has become a bit quieter, but a higher Treppchenplatz is not so bad.

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If I come for a year with the lawtstreit teilnehmen, beste Pressesprecherin Reso. Once the Beitrag has started, hang up a new motto and it first became the Auftakt-veranstaltung that was possible. This find is 25. März in Chemnitz, der für das kommende Jahr kürten Kulturhauptstadt.