
Dubai-Alarm in Cologne: Schoko-Hype sortt für Kopfschütteln

Dubai-Alarm in Cologne: Schoko-Hype sortt für Kopfschütteln

“It’s a great Currywurst with Pommes and Mayo,” one of the many responses to the hype at the Dubai Chocolate.

Die Verkaufsaktion von Lindt lockedte am Samstag (November 16, 2024) zahlreiche Schocki-Fans zum Neumarkt. At 10 a.m. the sale of 100 tables started and we were able to attend the war of Andrang riesig.

Dubai-Schokolade in Cologne – sorts for Diskussion

Auch war for Ort – der Post on Facebook causes intense discussions. Der Beitrag can comment more than 180 times (here anschauen and mireden).

We cannot view the Begeisterung of the Schokolade with the Pistazien-Füllung at all. Here some description:

  1. “Unfassbar, aber wehe, that Butter would be a few cents more expensive.”
  2. “And that is for chocolate, which is also filled with Kamelmist.”
  3. “So there is no signal!”
  4. “Meine Güte, was a theater on the Schokolade.”
  5. “Those people who spend their time with chocolate or with their own delicious doner in delicious food are welcome.”
  6. “There’s a man who can’t spend time during the day.”
  7. “The Work-Life Balance continues over time.”
  8. “That is the power of fear…”

At the Dubai-Schokoladen-Verkauf in Cologne there is 200 Menschen in der Schlange, a table for 14.99 Euro on the couch.

On eBay or the small sales sports market, a Lindt table was sold for 150 euros and more. An Angebot is available for 300 Euro. Of course, with the real truthfulness, it is important that you obtain a ready-made purchase.

Auch in Düsseldorf and Aachen fanden socken salesaktionen des Schokoladenherstellers statt. That interest was extremely large. Lindt will sell the Dubai-Schokolade online shop in Kürze. The action is that the product is not subject to change.

Dubai-Schokolade: What is Die Konkurrenz?

And was that plant Konkurrenz? Angeblich kämpfen more Unternehmen um die Markenrechte. The major Schoko repairer of Milka or Ritter Sport woolen products that did not appear in the Dubai-Schokoladen-Production, reports the “Bild”.

The Chocolate comes from a Unternehmen Fix Dessert Chocolatier, which will be available in Dubai in 2021. In Dubai the Chocolate costs about 16.60 Euro. The best result and the Schokolade are the Verbraucherzentrale Berlin die Pistaziencreme.