
Sachsen-Anhalt started Bezahlkarte für Geflüchtete

Sachsen-Anhalt started Bezahlkarte für Geflüchtete

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Sachsen-Anhalt started Bezahlkarte für Geflüchtete
Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU). (Archive photo) © Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa

Asylum workers receive money in their hands. Leistungen were stattdessen on a map gebucht, mit der beim einkauf zahlt were kann. It’s all management and migration management.

Magdeburg – In Saxony-Anhalt, asylum seekers are now subject to the Bezahlkarte ausgestattet – Bar money is now also a small bag money of bis 50 Euro per Monat. The Landkreise and the kreis-free city have a nice service list with about 9,500 of those cards. The first Bezahlkarten can still be used in November and the Leistungsberechtigten are abolished, i.e. the Innenministerium in Magdeburg. If all went well, the coin would be paid out as money or would be deposited into a bank account, jeden Monat auf de Bezahlkarte gebucht.

Minister of the Interior Tamara Zieschang (CDU) is working with a Baustein, an irregular migration that is being reduced. Expenses among asylum seekers in the country are from January to October with a period of 4,360 zwar rückläufig in the Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum, and they are higher than in the entsprechenden Zeiträumen der Jahre 2017 to 2021.

Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) addresses the migration debate on the human issue with Blick auf Wahlen. Man has received the signal from his view of consciousness. There is talk of the common Beschluss all Bundesländer zur Einführung der Bezahlkarte.

With the card that is obstructed, the asylum holding money in Ausland is transferred or becomes a schlepper. Make sure that the card of the sales and sales products is reduziered, which will end the money sales. The Entlastung would be the best in a test country with 1,000 karten in Magdeburg.

Keine Overweisungen in Ausland möglich

The Bezahlkarte is a guthabenbasierte card or kontobindung. Because it is possible that a service and a service company may receive a discrimination for avoidance, the card is not special as a money card and an asylum seeker that recognizes you. Reviews in Australia, online viewing and viewing are not possible. Money payments can be made from 50 Euro. Bishige Geldleistungen were done slightly differently. So it is true that the Sachleistungen are gewährt, bleibe es bei diesen Sachleistungen, erklärte das Innenministerium more.

Kritik an der Bezahlkarte kommt etwa von der Linken. Due to the migration policy spread of the Linken-Landtagsfraktion, Wulf Gallert, erklärte, the card bedeute Einschränkungen in der Lebensgestaltung und Stigmatisering. They ended up in the Society of Sisters. “Statt Schutzsuchenden Steine ​​​​ in the Road zu legen, must be refugees and their communities bei der Integration von Geflüchteten finanziell and personally unterstützt be”, so Gallert. dpa