
TV in Cottbus: Sachsendorf und Spremberger Vorstadt ohne Fernsehen and internet

TV in Cottbus: Sachsendorf und Spremberger Vorstadt ohne Fernsehen and internet

A damaged cable during construction lays in Sachsendorf and the Spremberger Vorstadt the TV Empfang and the Internet is happy. When the repair is required.


An article by

Mariya Druzyaka

The Netzstörung could be improved, due to the Kreisverwaltung mit. ARCHIV - 23.11.2018, Sachsen, Dresden: Network cable in a server room. A Russian hacker has become acquainted with Microsoft IT experts who use Drucker-enabled devices and Internet telephones, um in corporate networks. (Zu dpa "Mutmaßliche Russian Hacker nutzen Drucker als Einfallstor") Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/zb/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

During construction work in Cottbus, a glass phase installation is damaged. In large parts of the city area, TV and internet are not useful. (Symbol photo)

Sebastian Kahnert | dpa

The battle against battle begins on November 8. If you need to get provisional at this point, it is best to use one of the best customer service providers. Deshalb was able to further expand the business operations and the computer. For the long term, it is a major repair that is no different.